
MODAF/NAF: A specification of a system of systems at a technical level which also provides the business context for the system of systems.

DoDAF: Information describing architecture.

Architecture Framework




approvalAuthority: ActualOrganizationalResource[*]

References the actual organizational resource that has the authority to approve the architectural description.

architect : String[*]

The name of the architect responsible for the ArchitecturalDescription.

assumptionAndConstraint : String[*]

Any assumptions, constraints, and limitations contained in the ArchitecturalDescription, including those affecting deployment, communications performance, information assurance environments, etc.

creatingOrganization : String[1]

Describes the ActualOrganizationalResource creating the ArchitecturalDescription.

dateCompleted : String[0..1]

Date that the Architectural Description was completed.

purpose : String[1]

Explains the need for the Architecture, what it will demonstrate, the types of analyses that will be applied to it, who is expected to perform the analyses, what decisions are expected to be made on the basis of each form of analysis, who is expected to make those decisions, and what actions are expected to result.

recommendations : String[1]

States the recommendations that have been developed based on the architecture effort. Examples include recommended system implementations, and opportunities for technology insertion.

summaryOfFindings : String[1]

Summarizes the findings that have been developed so far. This may be updated several times during the development of the ArchitecturalDescription.

toolsUsed : String[1]

Identifies any tools used to develop the ArchitecturalDescription as well as the file names and formats if appropriate.

toBe : Boolean[1]

Indicates whether the ArchitecturalDescription is an existing or future one.

Viewpoint : String[1]

Views : View[1..*]

architectureFramework : Architecture- FrameworkKind [1]

The architectureFramework tag identifies the subset of aliases to use within the context of the ArchitecturalDescription (i. e. DoDAF, MODAF or none)


UML Package

Related DoDAF views

AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

Related MODAF views

MODAF. AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

Related NAF views

NAV-1 Overview and Summary Information

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