To create a P1 Technology Forecast table

  1. Add Rows to the table by doing any of the following:
    • Adding a new Resource as the row Header: click the Add New button, select a Resource you want to create, and specify the owner of the selected Resource.
    • Adding an Existing Resource as the row Header: click the Add Existing button and select one or more existing Resources.
  2. Add columns to the table by clicking the Time Periods button. The Time Periods dialog opens. Specify the forecast time periods:
    • Select or create a Timeline package to store the Forecast dates.
    • Select a Forecast Kind.
    • Specify additional options needed according to the selected Forecast Kind.
  3. Click the button on the cell to select the Resources, Standards, Protocols or Competencies to forecast, and then specify the date for the Forecast.

    By default the date will be the starting date of the selected time period.