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Released on: March 18, 2019

Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud 19.0 SP2 has been enhanced with the ability to edit your model right in a Cameo Collaborator document, navigate from commented properties to comments in the comments panel of a modeling tool, filter commented properties and elements in a modeling tool, get detailed document information, and more.

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Model Editing in Cameo Collaborator

Improved Comments Panel in a Modeling Tool


Getting Document Information



Key Issues Fixed in this Service Pack

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Model Editing in Cameo Collaborator

Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud 19.0 SP2 introduces a new powerful capability which will redefine the ways you collaborate on a model. Now you can edit parts of your model right in a Cameo Collaborator document. This is very beneficial for the whole product team, because engineers and even stakeholders can make changes to a model without having to use a modeling tool. In addition, the model editing capability speeds up the collaboration process, allowing you to instantly correct the model to address comments.

This version of the product supports editing of primitive values types, like String, Integer, Real, Boolean, and Enumeration.

This example illustrates how the Stopping Distance requirement status is changed directly in a Cameo Collaborator document.

The figure shows that Requirement text can be edited right in a Cameo Collaborator document.

Learn more about model editing in Cameo Collaborator >>

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Improved Comments Panel in a Modeling Tool

Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud 19.0 SP1 introduced the comments pane which allowed to work with Cameo Collaborator comments right in the modeling tool. The new version of the product brings a number of improvements to this capability:

  • Filtering of commented elements

  • Navigation from commented properties to Cameo Collaborator comments

  • Filtering and highlighting of commented properties in the Quick Properties panel and Specification window

  • The search box in the Select Document dialog
  • No additional authentication needed when opening the comments pane

Learn more about working with comments in a modeling tool >>

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Getting Document Information

Now you can easily access detailed Cameo Collaborator document and project information, including the creation and last modification times, the names of the users who created and modified the document and project, the latest document and project version numbers, and other data.

Detailed Cameo Collaborator document and project information.

Learn more about getting document information >>

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  • You can quickly open a Cameo Collaborator document right after publishing it by using a the link provided in a modeling tool.

  • Now Web Application Platform has a welcome page where you can easily access all available web apps.

  • The new version of Cameo Collaborator provides possibility to print out document section information. The header, navigation pane, and comment pane are automatically hidden in a printed document.
  • In the Resource app, you can view the resource history information, including the version number, the type of changes that were made, and the name of the user who made the changes.
  • The comments pane in a Cameo Collaborator document has been enhanced with a new feature allowing you to filter the comments that have not been read.
  • Now you can get public links to Cameo Collaborator documents.

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Key Issues Fixed in this Service Pack

In this release of Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud, the issue related to displaying tables in a document has been resolved.

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