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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: A Use Case scenario and an Activity diagram mapping schema user-448c7 May 17, 2018
Page: Abbreviation user-448c7 Aug 16, 2017
Page: Abstraction Agne P. Jun 05, 2018
Page: Accept Changes or Reject Changes user-66fe9 Mar 18, 2019
Page: Accept Event Action user-448c7 Apr 13, 2018
Page: Accepting and rejecting changes using shortcut menu user-66fe9 Mar 04, 2019
Page: Accessing and modifying model element properties Kristina B. May 27, 2024
Page: Accessing dependency matrix data Developer Jul 14, 2021
Page: Action user-66fe9 Jun 13, 2018
Page: Actions' hierarchy user-448c7 Jul 21, 2015
Page: Activators and predecessors Kristina B. Jan 30, 2024
Page: Active validation period user-32c71 Sept 21, 2020
Page: Active Validation Rules for Links user-1798a Jul 09, 2017
Page: Active validation suites Agne P. Sept 07, 2020
Page: Activity user-448c7 Apr 13, 2018
Page: Activity Decomposition Hierarchy Wizard user-32c71 Jan 08, 2021
Page: Activity diagram Kristina B. Jan 27, 2022
Page: Activity diagram elements user-448c7 Dec 27, 2017
Page: Activity Final Node user-66fe9 Jun 13, 2018
Page: Activity Parameter Node Kristina B. Mar 18, 2022
Page: Actor user-448c7 Apr 13, 2018
Page: Adding a basic flow step from other use cases user-448c7 May 17, 2018
Page: Adding a Macro and editing Macro information Kristina B. Feb 01, 2024
Page: Adding a new Metric Suite Inga A. Feb 19, 2019
Page: Adding a scripting language to MagicDraw Kristina B. Feb 01, 2024
Page: Adding and removing rows Kristina B. Jul 08, 2022
Page: Adding custom panel or tree into browser Jonė Š. Feb 28, 2022
Page: Adding custom project window Jonė Š. Feb 28, 2022
Page: Adding JRuby and installing Gems Kristina B. Mar 21, 2022
Page: Adding more report data directories Kristina B. Feb 01, 2024
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