Some validation rules guide you in defining your modeling.


FrameoneSegmentationMaxOnly 1 segmentation property per frameerror
FrameSystemSignalGroupall the group in same framewarning
FrameEndiannessAll bus signals in a frame have same value isLittleEndian    error
FrameMaxTotalSizeTotal Size <= Max Max depends of protocolerror
lengthPositivelength must be >= 0error
onePayloadOnly 1 payload per Frameerror
frame_matrixFrame should be owned by Matrixwarning
PositiveFrameIdframeId must be >= 0error
AbstractCANFrame1 cyclic eventOnly 1 cyclic event per frameerror
1 eventTriggeredOnly 1 eventTriggered per Frameerror
CANFrameframeId rangeframeId must be less than 2048 (2.0A) or 536 870 912 (2.0B)error
length_less_or_equal_8CAN Frame length must be <= 8error
useless segmentationuseless segmentation length<=8warning
CANFDFrameframeId rangeframeId must be less than 2048 (2.0A) or 536 870 912 (2.0B)error
length_less_or_equals_64length must be <= 64error
useless segmentationuseless segmentation length <= 64warning
CANXLFrameextendedA CANXL Frame is never extendederror
frameId rangepriorityId must be less than 2048error
length_less_or_equals_2048length must be <= 2048error
useless segmentationuseless segmentation, length <= 2048warning
J1939FramelengthRangeLength above maximum allowed (8 for non segmented Frame, 1785 for segmented Frame)error
alwaysExtendedA J1939 Frame is always extendederror
frameIdRangeframeId must be less than 536 870 912error


useless segmentation, length<=8warning
AbstractFlexRayFramelengthRangelength must be <= 254error
uselessSegmentationuseless segmentation, length <= 254warning
FlexRayStaticFrameslotIdRange0<= frameId < matrix.numberOfSlotserror
FlexRayDynamicFramemessageIdRangematrix.numberOfStaticSlots <= messageId <16384error
AbstractLINFrameframeIdRangeframeId must be less than 62error
lengthRangelength must be <= 64error
uselessSegmentationuseless segmentation, length <= 8warning
EthernetFramelengthRangelength must be between 46 and 1500error
uselessSegmentationuseless segmentation, length <= 1500warning
BusSignal-bitSize must be >= 0error
-bitStart must be >= 0error
-bitSize should be >0warning
busSignalTypebus signal's type must be a SystemSignalerror
busSignal_payloadBus Signal should be owned by Payloadwarning
OverlappingSignal overlappingerror
SignalValueSignalValue_BusSignalSignal Value should be owned by a Bus Signal or a System Signalwarning
Payloadbs + lengthbyteStart + length > frame.DLCerror
byteStartRangebyteStart >= 0error
payload_framePayload should be owned by Framewarning


VirtualLocalAreaNetworkOnceConnectedSwitchInVLANSegments links connected to the switch instance
error if only one segment in a vlan
rangepriority should be in [0..7]error
-0 and 4095 are reserved vlanIdwarning
range sd_prioritysd_priority should be in [0..7]warning
-0 <= vlanId <= 4095error
CANBus-40000 <= speed <= 20 000 000 bit/serror
LINBus-0 < speed <= 19200 (bit/s)error
FlexRayBus-0 <= speed <= 10000000error

ConnectorCompatibleEndsCheck if the two hw ports are compatible (source -> target)error
ConnectorMandatoryPortsPorts are mandatory error
EthernetPort (occurrence)MulticonnectedEthernetPortEthernet port must be connected by a single ethernet segmenterror
CANPort (occurrence)MulticonnectedCANPortCAN port must be connected to a single buserror
LINPort (occurrence)MulticonnectedLINPortLIN port must be connected to a single buserror
CommunicationBusMultipleConnectionsBusEquipmentEach equipement  is only connected once to this buswarning
TopologyCycleno recursionerror


SoftwareCompositionCycleno recursionerror
AbstractSoftwareVariable-direction should be outwarning
-type must != nullerror
ConnectorConnectorMandatoryPortsPorts are mandatory error

System Mapping

ItemFlowconveyed.card1 Signal per ItemFlowwarning
DirectedFeatures-feature direction should be providedwarning


Operationopdiroperation direction should be providedwarning