We recommend running MagicDraw as an administrator and with enabled UAC (User Account Control) on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 OS in order to avoid some problems that are related with permissions to modify files on the MagicDraw installation root directory.
To enable UAC on Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 OS, do the following:
1. Click the Start button, type “msconfig” in the Search box and press Enter.
2. From the System Configuration dialog, click the Tools tab.
3. Select the Change UAC Settings tool and click Launch button.
4. Move the slider to the highest value to set Always notify and click OK.
5. Restart the computer to apply changes.
To enable UAC on Windows Vista OS, do the following:
1. Click the Start button, type “msconfig” in the Search box and press Enter.
2. From the System Configuration dialog, click the Tools tab.
3. Select the Enable UAC tool and click Launch button. The CMD window opens.
4. When the command is completed, you can close CMD window.
5. Restart the computer to apply changes.
To run MagicDraw as administrator, right-click the MagicDraw icon and choose Run as Administrator.
To run MagicDraw as an administrator all the time, do the following:
1. Right-click the MagicDraw icon and choose Properties.
2. Click the Compatibility tab.
3. In the Privilege Level area, select Run this program as an administrator.
4. Click OK.