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Show Group In Compartment Edit

This property allows for displaying the element properties in the Compartment Edit dialog > the Element Properties tab and in a note on a diagram either within the property group/subgroup or without it. If the value is true, the property name is displayed as follows: <property_group_name>::<property_name>. If the value is false, the property name is displayed as follows: <property_name>

Show Group In Dependency MatrixIf the value is true, the property group/subgroup is visible in the Dependency Criteria dialog, when you create or edit a Dependency Matrix.
Show Group In Element Specification

If the value is true, the property group/subgroup is visible in the element Specification window

Show Group In Go To

If the value is true, the property group/subgroup is visible in element’s shortcut menu as a submenu under the Go To menu. 

Show Group In Quick Properties

If the value is true, the property group/subgroup is visible in the element Properties panel. 

Show Group In Relation Map

If the value is true, the property group/subgroup is visible in the Criterion Editor dialog, when you create or edit a Relation Map

Use As Node

If the value is true, the property group is displayed in a separate tab in the element Specification window and/or Properties panel.

If the value is false, the property group is displayed as a group in the general (default) pane of the element Specification window and/or Properties panel.

Do not set this property value to true for the property subgroup. 


Stores a list of properties that is visible in the property group or subgroup.

Do not set this property value to true for the property subgroup. 


Stores the specified table columns for showing the values of a multivalued property in the element Specification window, for example, ownedOperation in Class.

  • Do not specify this property, when there is more than one property assigned to the properties group and/or subgroup, i.e., when there is more than one value added to the Properties property.
  • The property group, to which the multivalued property is assigned, must be specified as a separate tab in the element Specification window, for example, the Use As Node property must be set to true. 


Stores the element types (UML metaclasses and custom stereotypes) that will be displayed as property values. 

Title Bar NameStores the property group title bar name shown in the element Specification window.
Title Bar DescriptionStores the property group title bar description shown in the element Specification window.