Usually the general element has more than one specific elements and sometimes specific elements may have their specific elements - the diagram with these generalizations may become messy. To display the generalization relationships and specific elements orderly, the generalization tree can be created.
To group generalization paths into a tree, do one of the following
- When drawing generalizations, connect each following generalization to the first one.
- If all generalizations are drawn separately, do on of the following:
- Select the generalization and drag it to the other generalization.
- Select the generalization element and from its shortcut menu select Refactor > Make Sub Tree.
- Select all elements you want to add to the tree and, on the diagram toolbar, click the Quick Diagram Layout (Ctrl + Q) button and select one of the tree form layout.
- Select the generalization and drag it to the other generalization.
To ungroup a generalization tree, do one of the following
- Right click any relationship in the generalization tree. On the opened shortcut menu, click Ungroup tree.
- Select the end of a concrete generalization relationship and drag it to other element.