To perform Requirements Derivation and Satisfaction using the Table Hierarchy

  1. Create a Generic Table.

  2. Set the Element Type to Call Behavior Action, Property, Requirement, State.
  3. Set the Scope to the Requirements that will be displayed in the Table.
  4. Open the Specification window of the Generic Table and click three dots next to the Query property to edit it.
  5. In the Query dialog, select Custom.
  6. Select Simple Navigation and set: 
    • DeriveReqt: 
      Is Applied: True
      Direction: Target to Source
    • Satisfy:
      Is Applied: True
      Direction: Target to Source
    • Owned Element:
      Is Applied: True
      Direction: Source to Target
  7. Select the Build Hierarchy check box to recursively execute the specified expression for building a multilevel hierarchy starting from the scope as the root.
  8. Click OK.