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If you use Cameo Collaborator 18.0 SP5 or an earlier version of the software, you do not need to re-install it to access the 19.0 version features. Simply upgrade the current version of Cameo Collaborator to Cameo Collaborator 19.0.

To upgrade your software from Cameo Collaborator 18.0 Alpha or Alpha 2, you must uninstall Alfresco Community 5.0.a (configured for Cameo Collaborator 18.0 Alpha or Alpha 2), install Alfresco Community 5.0.d or Alfresco Community 201605 (recommended), and configure it for Cameo Collaborator 19.0. No projects or users from the previous version will be available in the new installation.

To prepare for the upgrade procedure, go to the Download Cameo Collaborator page and download the following files:

  • cameo-collaborator-share-19.0.amp
  • cameo-collaborator-repo-19.0.amp

Upgrading Cameo Collaborator to 19.0

To upgrade your Cameo Collaborator version to 19.0, you must replace specific .amp files in the Alfresco Community installation directory, and then execute a command from the command-line interface to apply these files.

To upgrade Cameo Collaborator to Cameo Collaborator 19.0

  1. Stop Cameo Collaborator if it is running.

    1. Open <Alfresco Community installation directory>, and double-click the manager-windows.exe file.
    2. In the open dialog, click the Stop All button.
  2. Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>\amps_share, e.g., C:\alfresco-community\amps_share, and replace the cameo-collaborator-share-<version number>.amp file with the downloaded cameo-collaborator-share-19.0.amp file.
  3. Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>\amps, and replace the cameo-collaborator-repo-<version number>.amp file with the downloaded cameo-collaborator-repo-19.0.amp file.
  4. Run the command-line interface.

    Ensure that you run the application as administrator.

  5. Using the command-line, go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>\bin.
  6. In the command line, type apply_amps.bat and press Enter.

  7. Press Enter twice again when you are prompted.
  8. Close the command-line interface.
  9. Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>\alf_data, and remove solr4 indexes:

    1. Delete the solr4 folder.

    2. Delete the solr4Backup folder if it exists.

  10. Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>/solr4/workspace-SpacesStore/conf, and open the solrcore.properties file.

  11. Remove the hash mark from the following properties:

    • alfresco.index.transformContent=false
    • alfresco.ignore.datatype.1=d:content
  12. Save and close the file.

  13. Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>/solr4/archive-SpacesStore/conf, and open the solrcore.properties file.
  14. Repeat steps 11 and 12. 

  15. Start Cameo Collaborator.

Post-upgrade checklist

After upgrading Cameo Collaborator, complete the following tasks:

  • To be able to export comments to an MS Word document:
    1. In the main toolbar of the the Cameo Collaborator portal, click Repository and open the Collaborator folder.
    2. Use the Repository toolbar to create a new folder named Cameo_Collaborator_Template if the folder does not already exist.

    3. Download and move one of the following files to the Cameo_Collaborator_Template folder. If the folder already contains a comments report file, replace it with one of the following files:
      CommentsReport_full.docx - to generate a report with images of commented items.
      CommentsReport.docx -to generate a compact comment report without images.
  • Ensure that all users clear the cache in their internet browsers. Otherwise, updated icons may not be displayed. The procedure for clearing the cache depends on the internet browser being used.
  • To be able to publish projects, update the Cameo Collaborator Publisher plugin to the version 19.0.
  • Update all published projects by republishing them, or the search will not work.

    If you update a published project by republishing it, specify the same template that you used before. Otherwise, you will not be able to navigate between comments and commented items.

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