After the reviewer informs that he/she has completed the review, the author can react to the reviewer's comments.

Workflow of published project review. The fourth step - reacting to reviewer's feedback

Cameo Collaborator 18.0 SP3 and later versions of the tool do not support Internet Explorer 9. Make sure you open a published project using another internet browser.

To react to reviewer's feedback

  1. Open the reviewed project in Cameo Collaborator.
  2. In the Comments pane, select to show only unresolved comments.

  3. Read new comments. They are darker and a little bigger.
  4. Read each unresolved comment and:
    1. Click it to open the content pane of the commented item. The commented item is also selected in the Navigation pane.
    2. Do either:
      • Fix the appropriate part of the model in your model editor, for example, MagicDraw, and reply to the the comment informing the reviewer about the updates.

        To open the commented item in your model editor, click the Open in Model Editor property value on the content pane.

      • Reply comments that need clarification or further discussion.

  5. When you are done, republish the project and inform the reviewer so that he/she could make another round of review.

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