The Summary and Overview diagram shows a quick overview of an architecture description and a summary of the analysis. It serves as a planning guide in the initial phases of architecture development. Upon completion of architecture, it summarizes findings and any conducted analysis.

Creating a diagram

To create a Summary and Overview diagram

  1. In the Containment Tree, select the Summary and Overview view specification package and do one of the following:
    •  From the selected package's shortcut menu, select Create Diagram > Summary and Overview.
    • In the modeling tool's main menu, click Create Diagram, search for Summary and Overview, and select it.
  2. Name a diagram or leave it with the default name.

Creating an element

When the diagram is created, you can start creating the appropriate elements. An example is described using the Architectural Description element, but the same is valid for other available elements.

To create an element in a diagram

  1. In the diagram palette, click the Architectural Description (or another appropriate element) and then click the appropriate place on the diagram pane.
  2. Name the element.

To create the elements from other resources (e.g. Word, Excel, HTML)

  1. Copy a list in your resource.
  2. In a diagram, press Ctrl+V and from the Paste Special dialog, choose Element
  3. From the Select Type dialog, choose Capability Configuration (or another appropriate element).
For more information about creating the elements from other resources, see Creating elements from other resources.

Connect the elements

When you have an Architectural Description (or another appropriate element) created, you can start connecting it to other elements. In this example, the Architectural Description will be connected to another Architectural Description using the Architectural Reference relationship.

To connect the elements with the Architectural Reference relationship

  1. From the diagram palette, choose Architectural Reference.
  2. On the diagram pane, click the source Architectural Description element and do one of the following:

    • Click the target Architectural Description if it is already drawn on the diagram pane.

    • Click anywhere on the diagram pane to create a new Architectural Description element.