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Dependency Matrix tool allows templates to access data from a Dependency Matrix, use diagrams to get data, row elements, column names, or relations between row and column elements from the matrix.

Class Diagram of the Dependency Matrix Tool
A Class diagram of the DependencyMatrixTool.

You can use the following Dependency Matrix tool API in the template.

Class DependencyMatrixTool

Use the following methods to use diagrams to get data.

  • +getMatrix( diagram : Diagram) : Matrix
  • +getMatrix( diagramName : String) : Matrix 

Class Matrix

Use the following methods to use diagrams to get row elements, column elements, and relations between row and column elements.

  • +getRows() : List<Element>
  • +getColumns() : List<Element> 
  • +getRelation( row: Element, column : Element) : List<Relation> 

Class Relation

Use the following methods for class relations.

  • +getName() : String
  • +getElement() : Element 
  • +getSemanticType() : String 
  • +getDirection() : String

Using Diagrams to Get Data from Dependency Matrix

A Dependency Matrix is a special diagram. You can retrieve it using the $Diagram variable. Thus, every method must accept a diagram instance or a diagram’s name. Use the following methods to return a Dependency Matrix instance. You can retrieve rows and columns from the Dependency Matrix instances.

Getting Dependency Matrix Instances from Diagram Elements

getMatrix(diagram : Diagram) : Matrix
To get a Dependency Matrix instance from a specified diagram element, use the following code.

#set($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram))

Where the parameter is:

  • diagram – a diagram element

Return an instance of Dependency Matrix.

For example:

#foreach($diagram in $project.getDiagrams("Dependency Matrix"))
#set($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram)) 

Getting Dependency Matrix Instances from Diagram Names

getMatrix(diagramName : String) : Matrix
To get a Dependency Matrix instance from a specified diagram’s name.

#set($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram))

Where the parameter is: 

  • diagram – a diagram’s name

Return a Dependency Matrix instance.

Example code:

#set($diagram = "diagram name")
#set($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram))

Getting Row Elements

The Matrix consists of rows and columns.

Getting All Row Elements

getRows() : List<Element>

Use this method to retrieve a list of row elements.


The returned value is a list of Elements.

To print all row elements' names, for example, type the following code:

#foreach($row in $matrix.rows) 

Getting Column Elements

The matrix consists of rows and columns.

Getting all column elements

getColumns() : List<Element>

Use this method to retrieve a list of column elements.


The returned value is a list of Elements.

To print all column elements' names, for example, type the following code:

#foreach($col in $matrix.columns) 

Getting Relations between Row and Column Elements

getRelation(row : Element, column : Element) : List<Relation>

Use this method to retrieve the relations between row and column elements.

$matrix.getRelation($row, $column)

Where the parameter is:

  • row – a row element
  • column – a column element 

The returned value is a list of Relations.

The Relation class contains the following methods:

  • getSemanticType : String
                 Return the semantic type
  • getElement : Element 
                 Return a relationship element or null if the relationship is not an element, for example, tag name.
  • getName : String 
                 Return a relationship name. If the relationship is a tag name, it will return the tag name. If the relationship is NamedElement, it will return the element name;              otherwise, return a human name.
  • getDirection : String 
                 Return the direction.

To print the row, column, and its relationship name, for example, type the following code:

#foreach($row in $matrix.rows) 
   #foreach($col in $matrix.columns)
      #foreach($rel in $matrix.getRelation($row, $col))
         $ has $ with $

To print rows, columns, and relations in a spreadsheet file format, for example, type the following code:

#forpage ($diagram in $report.filterDiagram($Diagram,["Dependency Matrix"]))

#forcol ($col in $matrix.columns)$

#forrow($row in $matrix.rows)$
#forcol ($col in 
($row,$col)))-> #end#endcol



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