NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Language of an executable opaque behavior can be OCL 2.0, binary, BeanShell, Groovy, JRuby, JavaScript, Jython, or StructuredExpression. Also, it must have the proper number of parameters with proper types.

How many parameters can an opaque behavior have?

The number of parameters an opaque behavior can have depends on the selected language of the opaque behavior body:

  • An OCL 2.0 expression must have a single parameter.
  • A binary expression must declare the exact number of parameters has the Java class, to which the expression body of the opaque behavior references.
  • Other script expressions, such as JavaScript or Groovy, can have as many parameters as you need.
  • Structured expression can have as many parameters as you need.

How to create a parameter for the opaque behavior?

To create a parameter for the opaque behavior

  1. In the Specification window of the opaque behavior, Parameters property group, click the Create button. The Specification window of the new parameters opens.
  2. Enter a name of the new parameter.
  3. Specify the multiplicity of the parameter: either select a value from the drop-down list or type a new one.

    In this case, only the upper bound of the multiplicity is important. For example, the multiplicity [0..1] has the same meaning as the multiplicity [1].

  4. Specify the type of the parameter: either select a value from the drop-down list or create a new one by typing directly in the cell.

    Available types:

    • Built-in UML primitives (Integer, Real, String, and so forth)
    • UML element types
    • Java classes (, java.util.Properties, and so forth)
  5. If the multiplicity upper bound is 1, you may skip this step. Otherwise, specify the following:
    • Whether the arguments are unique.
    • Whether the arguments are ordered.

      If you do not see the Is Unique and Is Ordered properties, select All from the Properties drop-down list in the upper right of the Specification window.

  6. Close the Specification window.

How to access the arguments and other values from script body of the opaque behavior?

The following instructions applies to BeanShell, Groovy, JRuby, JavaScript, and Jython scripts only.

To access an argument from a script body, you should refer to the corresponding parameter name.

The script body can access the following values:

  • Arguments passed to an opaque behavior as parameters.
  • Globally defined values:
    • project (current project)
    • application


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