NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

When you choose to create NCV-3 diagram, NCV-3 Creation Wizard opens.

To create a NCV-3 diagram from the wizard

  1. From the Diagrams menu, select Create Diagram.
  2. In the open window, find and select NCV-3 Capability Phasing diagram.
  3. In the NCV-3 Capability Phasing dialog, click Add. NCV-3 Creation Wizard opens.
  4. Follow the steps of the wizard.
  5. Click Finish when you are done.

    If you do not wish to use the NCV-3 Creation Wizard next time, clear the check box near “Show the wizard next time, when I create NCV-3”.

    Also you can disable the wizard. Go to Options > Environment. In the Environment Options dialog go to UPDM tab. In the General properties, set Show CV-3/StV-3/NCV-3 Creation Wizard each Time Creating New Chart to false.

To create a NCV-3 diagram manually

  1. From the Diagrams menu, select Create Diagram.
  2. In the open window, find and select NCV-3 Capability Phasing diagram.
  3. In the NCV-3 Capability Phasing dialog click Add
  4. Specify the diagram name and create or select the owner of the diagram.

    You can select as a diagram owner a view or viewpoint that is already created in the UAF project template.

  5. Click OK. The blank NCV-3 diagram is created.


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