This is the complete list of properties available in UML to SQL(Generic / Oracle) transformation in the Model Transformation Wizard (For more information about this wizard, see Model Transformation Wizard in MagicDraw User Guide).

Model transformation wizard for UML to SQL (Generic/Oracle) transformation with Specify transformation details wizard step.
Property nameDescription

Autogenerated PK name template

If the class has no PK column in the ER model, this transformation parameter for the autogenerated column name will generate the PK. You may specify the pattern for the PK name.

Default "id_%t", where %t is replaced by the name of the table.

Autogenerated PK type template

Specifies the type of the autogenerated PKs.

Default: integer.

Autogenerated FK name template

The foreign keys are automatically generated to implement the relationships between classes.

This transformation parameter autogenerates a FK name. You may specify the pattern for the name. Default: "fk_%t%k%r", where %t is replaced by the name of the table, the foreign key is pointing. The %k is replaced by the key name, to which this foreign key points. The %r is replaced by the name of the relationship, which is realized with this foreign key.

Autogenerated table name template

This transformation parameter autogenerates table name. You may specify the pattern for the name. Default "%t1_%t2", where %t1 is replaced by the name of the first table, %t2 - second table. The %r pattern (name of relationship) is also supported.

Generated index for alternative keys

If true, generates index for «AK».

Default: false

Index name template

If the above option is set to true, you may choose the template for the index name. Template may contain %g pattern, which will be replaced with AK group name.

Default: indexof_%g
Change package hierarchy

Choose option for packages from transformation source: to strip all the package hierarchy, or flatten the package hierarchy down to the first level where each package is transformed into the schema.

Default: Flatten packages
Treat composition relationship as identifying

If this option is set to true, the composition associations are treated as if the «identifying» stereotype were applied to them.

Default: true
Default association end multiplicity

If multiplicity was not specified in model, defined multiplicity will be set after transformation.

Default: 1
Generalization Tree transformation strategySelects the strategy to be used for converting generalization trees. Default: Multiple Values, Decomposed Object
Selector Column Name

Name of selector column for the merged table strategy of generalization conversion

Default: typeSelector

Note: together with selector type and type modifier this gives typeSelector:char(255) column.
Selector Column Type

Type of the selector column for the merged table strategy of generalization conversion.

Default: char

Selector Column Type Modifier

Type modifier of the selector column for the merged table strategy of generalization conversion

Default: 255
Max Duplicated Columns

Threshold for multivalue property conversion strategies - maximum number of columns for which the column duplication strategy is used. If exceeded, auxiliary value table is used.

Value Table Name

Name of the value table (to be generated when converting multivalue properties). %t pattern is expanded to table name, %r - name of the original property.

Default: %t_%r_VALUES

(e.g Person_phone_VALUES table will be generated for

Person::phone[0..5] property in the source)
Autogenerate Sequences*

Selects wherever and when sequences are generated for PKs

Default: Generate sequences for all single-column PKs

Autogenerated Sequence Name*

Name of the generated sequences. %t pattern is expanded to table name.

Default: %t_SEQ
Autogenerate PK

If true, primary keys are generated automatically.

For more information, see Primary keys autogeneration.
Enumeration transformation strategy

For more information, see Conversion of enumerations.

Expand datatypesFor more information, see Conversion of DataTypes.

Expanded datatype column name template

For more information, see Conversion of DataTypes.

Name conversion rules

One or more rules for element name conversion.

For more information, see Naming of transformed elements.
FK name template

An FK name template definition. You can use specific names and patterns, such as %t (a table name) or %r (a relationship role).

For more information, see Conversion of associations.
Elements exclusion rules

One or more rules for elements’ exclusion from the transformation.

For more information, see Excluding elements from transformation.
Allow HTML in comments

If true, SQL comments in DDL script retain HTML formatting information.

For more information, see Transforming documentation.

* - These properties are available only for UML to SQL (Oracle) transformation.