Equivalent or better than Intel Core i3-9100T or AMD counterpart (x86-64 architecture), Apple Intel x86-64, Apple M1 or higher. 16GB The memory allocation for the modeling tool by project size: The amount of required memory proportionally increases if working on multiple projects. 1 the project elements count is different due to the profiling data storing metamodel optimized in 2021x (decrease by 40-80% in SysML and UAF projects). 2 these memory requirements are indicative and may vary by project specifics. The operations that require more memory (1, 2, and 3.5 million of 2021x project elements, respectively): 3 Project size 2 million elements. 4 Project size 5 million elements. 5 Strongly depends on the number of detected changes between merged versions (in this case, the specified required memory is for merging projects with 1.5k changes in total). The recommended disk space for installation and configuration files is 3GB or more, depending on the used plugins, project type (local or server), and project size. In addition to this, large server projects require extra disk space for configuration files: The amount of required disk space proportionally increases if working on multiple projects. Note: Element History and Content History features usage require significantly more disk space due to intensive caching at the client-side. Depending on the feature usage scenario (e.g., retrieving content history from old/distant project versions multiple times), the disk space might increase by up to 100GB. Any Java SE 17-compatible operating system (Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server, Linux (RedHat 7, RedHat 8.9, Oracle 8.8), Mac OS (Monterey, Sonoma, Ventura (known issue with app)). * Magic Software Architect, Magic Cyber Systems Engineer, Magic Systems of Systems Architect, MagicDraw, Cameo Systems Modeler, Cameo Enterprise Architecture ** 800x600, 1280x1024 display resolutions are compatible with a laptop or a projector. For system requirements, refer to the Release Note of the specific version. For system requirements, refer to the DSLS installation and licensing page and the DSLS Installation and Configuration Guide.Modeling Tools*
Resource Recommended CPU RAM Project Elements Count
(including used projects)Allocated Memory 2 Earlier versions 2021x and later 1 1.5 million 1 million 6GB 2.5 million 2 million 7GB 5 million 3.5 million 11GB Disk space Project Elements Count
(including used projects)Disk Space Earlier versions 2021x and later 1.5 million 1 million 6GB 2.5 million 2 million 10GB 5 million 3.5 million 30GB Display resolution** Full HD (1920x1080) or higher Operating Systems Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version Java version support FLEXnet License Server
DSLS License Server