NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

These instructions apply to the following modeling tools:

  • Magic Cyber Systems Engineer


  • Ensure your machine meets the minimum system requirements for running the modeling tool.
  • An appropriate JVM version should be installed on your machine (optional).

Java 9

Please note, Oracle Java SE9 is not supported.

  • You have downloaded the installation files. 

Installation workflow

  1. Install the modeling tool following the installation instructions according to your operating system.
  2. Add the license key or obtain the floating license.

You must install the desktop software on your computer to use the modeling tool. The installation procedures provided below are for the standard installation as well as the advanced. However, it is strongly recommended to use the standard installation procedure.

Installing on Windows

Standard installation

  1. Double-click the installer.
  2. If the User Account Control dialog appears asking permission for the installer to make changes in your computer, click Yes.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Start the modeling tool by doing one of the following:
    • On the taskbar in Windows, click the Start button, and then, click the modeling tool (for example, MagicMagic Cyber Systems Engineer).
    • Open the <modeling tool> installation\bin folder and double-click the modeling tool .exe file (for example, msm.exe).

      We recommend starting the modeling tool as an administrator. Right click the <modeling tool>.exe file. Select Run as administrator from the shortcut menu.

  5. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  6. Add the license.

Installation using no-installer


This is an advanced procedure for installing the modeling tool. Please use this procedure only if you are familiar with the modeling tool and/or the standard installation does not support your use case.


An appropriate JVM version should be installed on your computer before you begin.

  1. Extract <modeling tool>_<version number>
  2. Set Java home:
    1. Open the <modeling tool>.properties file, which can be found in <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install\bin folder.
    2. In the JAVA_HOME line, add the path to the Java software. For example:
      JAVA_HOME=C\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_67\\jre
  3. To start the modeling tool, open the <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install\bin folder and double click the <modeling tool>.exe file.
  4. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  5. Add the license.

Installing on OS X

Standard installation

  1. Double-click the installer.
  2. In the modeling tool installation window, drag the <modeling tool> folder to the Applications folder.
  3. Close the modeling tool installation window.
  4. Start the modeling tool. Open the Application / <modeling tool> installation folder and double-click the modeling tool .app file (for example,
  5. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  6. Add the license.


If the message appears asking permission to open the file, click Open.

Installation using no-installer


This is an advanced procedure for installing the modeling tool. Please use this procedure only if you are familiar with the modeling tool and/or the standard installation does not support your use case.


An appropriate JVM version should be installed on your computer before you begin.

Oracle Java SE 9 is not supported for installations using no_installer.

  1. Extract <modeling tool>_<version number>
  2. Set Java home:
    1. Open the <modeling tool>.properties file, which can be found in <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install\bin folder.
    2. In the JAVA_HOME line, add the path to the Java software. For example:
  3. To start the modeling tool, open the <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install_mac folder and double-click the <modeling tool>.app file.
  4. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  5. Add the license.

Installing on Unix

Standard installation

  1. From the <modeling tool>_<version number> shortcut menu, select the Properties command and then click to select the Allow executing file as program check box. 
  2. Double-click the installer.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the modeling tool.
  4. Start the modeling tool. Open the <modeling tool> installation/bin folder and double-click the modeling tool file (for example, MagicSystemsModeler).
  5. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  6. Add the license.

Installation using no-installer


This is an advanced procedure for installing the modeling tool. Please use this procedure only if you are familiar with the modeling tool and/or the standard installation does not support your use case.


An appropriate JVM version should be installed on your computer before you begin.

Oracle Java SE 9 is not supported for installations using no_installer.

  1. Extract <modeling tool>_<version number>
  2. Set Java home:
    1. Open the <modeling tool>.properties file, which can be found in <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install\bin folder.
    2. In the JAVA_HOME line, add the path to the Java software. For example:
  3. To start modeling tool, open the <modeling tool>_<version number>_no_install/bin folder and double-click the <modeling tool> file.
  4. In the Import Configuration dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to import the environment options from an earlier modeling tool version, select the location and click Import.
    • If you want to use the default environment options, click Use Default.
  5. Add the license.

When you are finished with the installation, the following pages will provide you with more information on setting up your modeling tool:

If you are going to use a floating license server, all relevant information can be found here:

Getting Help

If you run into further problems with installation, please try:


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