NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Hot Fix 3 was released on November 29, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Hot Fix 3 Version News.
NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 was released on December 6, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 Version News.

Generally, stereotype properties become visible in an element’s Specification window only after the stereotype is applied on the element. However, you may customize stereotype properties to be visible in the element Specification window even if the stereotype is not yet applied to the element.

This feature allows specifying domain-specific properties for standard UML elements. It is also used to make stereotype properties (Type Modifier, Active Hyperlink, and To Do, etc.) visible even if appropriate stereotypes are not yet applied to an element. 

Always visible properties in UML property Specification Window.

To make stereotype properties visible when the stereotype is not yet applied to an element

  1. Open the customization element Specification window. 
  2. Click to change the Show Properties When Not Applied property to true. All properties of the customized stereotype will become visible in the DSL element Specification window even if the stereotype is not yet applied to the element. 

Case Study

Use the C# Profile (C#_Profile.mdzip) in your project and you will see the C# Language Properties appear in a class Specification window. C# properties will appear in the Specification window of a class even though no profile-specific stereotype is applied to the class.

C# properties in class Specification window .

Specify a desired C# property value in the class Specification window and you will see the «C#LanguageProperty» stereotype automatically applied to the class.

Class with automatically applied «C#LanguageProperty» stereotype.


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