NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Hot Fix 3 was released on November 29, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Hot Fix 3 Version News.
NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 was released on December 6, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 Version News.

Macro Engine has the capability to record changes in a model. It uses opaque objects to generate macros and record them. This capability is especially useful when you want to redo some of your repetitive tasks.

The following is a list of actions that you can record:

  • Creating UML, Stereotype, and DSL elements
  • Creating relationships between UML, Stereotype, or DSL elements

You cannot move the element defined as a record scope during recording.

To record a macro 

  1. Click Tools > Macros > Record Macro on the MagicDraw main menu. The Record Macro dialog will open, see figure below.
  2. Select a macro language in the Language box (you will see the default macro language that you have previously selected in that particular box (see Selecting a Default Macro Language).
  3. Select the  check box and click the Model Scope button to locate a scope in the Containment tree. The generated macros will later record the change in the element by using a relative path that refers to the defined scope.
  4. Click  to start recording.
  5. Work with the model in the scope you have defined.
  6. Click  to stop recording. The Record Macro dialog will close and the Create Macro dialog will open, see figure below, showing the recorded macros.
  7. Click either  or .

Record Macro Dialog

  • If you do not open a project, the menu Tools > Macros > Record Macro will be disabled.
  • You can select a record scope only before you start recording
  • You cannot change a record scope during recording.
  • If you do not define a record scope, the model Data will become the record scope.
  • If you click the  button, the Record Macro dialog will be closed.
  • If you click the  button, it will be changed to  and the  button will enabled.
  • You cannot alter the Language, or Model Scope options after you click the  button.
  • If you click the  button, the recording will pause and the button will be changed to .
  • If you click the  button, the following things will happen:
    • the recording will continue
    • the button will be changed to 
  • The recording mechanism of Macro Engine can generate code for Beanshell, Groovy, Javascript (Nashorn and Rhino), JRuby, and Jython. Unsupported languages will be filtered out of the  box.

The Create Macro Dialog after Successful Recording



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