NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

In addition to UML data, each EA-exported XMI contains EA-specific information. The Enterprise Architect Import can transform this information into UML elements with the stereotypes applied if you include EA-specific data before importing the XMI file. This data includes:

  • Constraints: name, description, type, weight, and status.
  • Requirements: name, description, type, status, difficulty, priority, and last update.
  • Scenarios: name, description, type, and weight.
  • Files: file path type.
  • Requirements (External): type, status, difficulty, priority, last update, created, and note.
  • Changes: type, status, difficulty, priority, last update, created, and note.
  • Issues: type, status, difficulty, priority, last update, created, and note.


You can access and specify the EA information in the Property dialog in EA.


To include EA-specific data in the transformation process, a set of stereotypes and tag definitions are created as the EA Profile.

The EA Profile in a treeview.


Each EA constraint will be transformed into a UML constraint and «EAConstraint» will be applied to the constraint. The properties of an EA constraint will be mapped either to the properties of a UML constraint or to the tag values of «EAConstraint». The following table shows the constraint mapping details.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
nameThe name property of a UML constraint.
descriptionEAConstraint::type tag value.
typeEAConstraint::weight tag value.
weightEAConstraint::status tag value.
constraint ownerConstrained Element property point to the constraint owner.


Each EA requirement will be transformed into a UML Class. Because a requirement cannot be created in an element that is the owner of a Class in EA, the transformed requirement will be kept in a separate Package, named EA Requirement. A Realization will then be created from the owner of the requirement into a transformed requirement. See the following table for details.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
nameEARequirement :: name tag value
descriptionEARequirement :: description tag value
typeEARequirement :: type tag value
statusEARequirement :: status tag value
difficultyEARequirement :: difficulty tag value
priorityEARequirement :: priority tag value
last updateEARequirement :: name update value


Each EA scenario will be transformed into a UML Comment and «EAScenario» will be applied to the comment. The properties of a scenario will be mapped either to the properties of each UML Comment or to the tag values of «EAScenario». See the following table for details.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
nameEAScenario::name tag value
descriptionThe Body property of a UML Comment. 
typeEAScenario :: type tag value
weightEARequirement :: weight tag value
subjectAn annotated Element property pointing to an EA subject element.


EA can add files to a UML element. The information will be transformed into a Hyperlink in a UML model.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
Local fileFile
Web addressWebpage. 

Requirements (external)

An EA-created Requirement differs from the one you create as an internal element for each element. EA requirements will appear in the Model Browser and can be pasted on a diagram. Each EA Requirement will be transformed into a Class and «EARequirement» will be applied to the requirement.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
typeEARequirement :: type tag value
statusEARequirement :: status tag value
difficultyEARequirement :: difficulty tag value
priorityEARequirement :: priority tag value
last updateEARequirement :: last update value
createdEARequirement :: created tag value


EA can create a Change and will export it as a Class. The Class information will be transformed into the «EAChange» tag values. See the following table for details.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
typeEAChange :: type tag value
statusEAChange :: status tag value
difficultyEAChange :: difficulty tag value
priorityEAChange :: priority tag value
last updateEAChange :: last update value
createdEAChange :: created tag value


EA can create an Issue and will export it as a Class. The Issue information will be transformed into the «EAIssue» tag values. See the following table for details.

EAModeling tool by NoMagic
typeEAIssue :: type tag value
statusEAIssue :: status tag value
difficultyEAIssue :: difficulty tag value
priorityEAIssue :: priority tag value
last updateEAIssue :: last update value
createdEAIssue :: created tag value


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