NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

$sorter is used to sort a collection of report templates.

$sorter.sort(Collection, fieldName)

The sort function for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through templates.

 Name Type Description 
Parameter(s)   collection java.util.Collection  A collection to
be sorted 
fieldnamejava.lang.StringA fieldName to
be sorted and
the sort direction. 
Return -java.util.CollectionA sorted collection. 

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.sort($package, "name"))
  • $package is the collection to be sorted.
  • "name:desc" is separated by ":" in two parts:
    • The first part is to identify fieldName to be sorted.
    • The second part is the option to identify the sorting direction. Sometimes, the direction is not identified. It is ascending by default.


This is the sort function for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through the templates.

Parameter(s) collection  java.util.CollectionA collection to
be sorted. 
 Return -java.util.Collection A sorted

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.sort($package))
  • $package is a collection to be sorted.

The collection will be sorted by name, in ascending order, by default.

$sorter.sortByFirstNumber(Collection, fieldName)

The sortByFirstNumber function is for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through templates.

 Name Type Description 
Parameter(s)  collection java.util.Collection A collection
to be sorted. 
 fieldName  java.lang.StringA fieldName to
be sorted and
the sorting direction.
 Return -java.util.CollectionA sorted collection.

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.sortByFirstNumber($package, "name:desc"))
  • $package is a collection to be sorted by FirstNumber.
  • "name:desc" is separated by ":" in two parts:
    • The first part is to identify fieldName to be sorted.
    • The second part is the option to identify the sorting direction. Sometimes, the direction is not identified. It is ascending by default.


The sortByFirstNumber function for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through templates.

Parameter(s) collection  java.util.CollectionA collection
to be sorted. 
 Return - java.util.Collection A sorted

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.sortByFirstNumber($package))
  • $package is a collection to be sorted by FirstNumber.

$sorter.sortByLocale(Collection, String)

This is a function to sort for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through templates. To sort a given collection by a particular language, identify the country code to specify the language.

 Name Type Description 
Parameter(s)  collection java.util.Collection A collection
to be sorted.
 countryCode  java.lang.StringThe country code
to specify a language
to perform sorting.
 Return - java.util.Collection A sorted collection.

For example:

#foreach ($p in $sorter.sortByLocale($package, "DE"))
  • $package is a collection to be sorted by country code.
  • "DE" is the country code for GERMANY (ISO country code).

This method sorts a collection by “name” attribute of each element by default.

$sorter.sortByLocale(Collection, String, String)

This is a function to sort for report templates. The context name of this class is "sorter". Use $sorter to access public functions of this class through templates. To sort a given collection by a particular language, specify the language by identifying the country code and field name.

 Name Type Description 
Parameter(s)   collection java.util.Collection A collection
to be sorted. 
 fieldName java.lang.StringA fieldName to b
0e sorted. 
countryCode  java.lang.StringThe country code
to specify a language
to perform sorting. 
 Return - java.util.Collection A sorted collection.

For example:

#foreach ($p in $sorter.sortByLocale($package, "name", "DE"))
  • $package is the collection to be sorted.
  • “name” is the field name to be sorted.
  • "DE" is the country code for GERMANY (ISO country code).

$sorter.humanSort(collection, fieldName)

This is a special function to sort text in a human-like order. It splits text into numeric and non-numeric chunks and sorts them in numerical order. For example, "foo10" is ordered after "foo2".

 Name Type Description 
 Parameter(s) collection java.util.Collection A collection
to be sorted.
 fieldName java.lang.StringA fieldName to
be sorted and
the sorting direction.
 Return - java.util.CollectionA sorted collection.

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.humanSort($package, "name:desc"))
  •  $package is the collection to be sorted.
  • "name:desc" is separated by ":" in two parts:
    • The first part is to identify fieldName to be sorted.
    • The second part is the option to identify the sorting scheme. Sometimes, the order is not identified. It is ascending by default.


This is a special function to sort text in a human-like order. It splits text into numeric and non-numeric chunks and sorts them in numerical order. For example, "foo10" is ordered after "foo2".

Parameter(s)Collection   java.util.CollectionA collection
to be sorted.
 Return - java.util.Collection A sorted collection. 

For example:

#foreach ($rel in $sorter.humanSort($package))
  • $package is the collection to be sorted.


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