After creating a relation map, you need to specify criteria, layout, and depth for it.

To change the relation map properties

  • Right-click the diagram pane and from shortcut menu, select Specification, or click Options on the Options toolbar and then select Specification. Change the property values in the Specification window of the relation map.
  • Specify the most popular property values by using the relation map environment capabilities, such as toolbars and the Criteria area.

Relation Map toolbar

You can choose whether you want to show or hide Context, Relation Criteria, Element Type, and/or Scope. In the Relation Map Specification window, set the needed check-box to true or false.

Element nameElement typeDescription

Text box with

Select Context Element

Click to select the main element from which the structure is started, that is, the context of the structure. You can change the context.

Relation Criteria

Text box with 

Select Context Element

Click to select relation criteria that will be displayed on the relation map.

Element Type

Text box with 

Select Context Element

Click to select element types that will be displayed on the relation map.

Standard and custom subtypes of the selected element types can be optionally included when displaying them on the relation map.

  • Select the Include Subtypes check box to includes the subtypes of the selected elements, e.g., models and profiles of Packages in the relation map.
  • Select the Include Custom Types check box to show the custom types extending the selected element types, e.g., a Smart Package extending a Package on the relation map.

Text box with 

Select Context Element

Click to select packages from which the relation map structure will be shown.

Command on the Options button menu

Select a the relation map layout:

  • Tree.
    Tree-style layout of Relation Map
  • Radial.

Radial-style layout of Relation Map



Spin box

Type or select the level of the relation map branches that will be automatically expanded.


Personal filters