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Specifies the name of the Customization element.

To DoSpecifies the To Do text of the Customization element. Use the To Do property for adding notes about work to be done. Then, you can quickly search for the elements that have the To Do properties defined.
Connection Rules
Allowed Drag and Drop

Specifies elements that describe allowed drag-and-drop operations for customized elements.

Allowed Relationships

Specifies the types of relationships allowed to connect to the DSL element. For a more detailed description, see Creating Custom Rules for Relationships .

Disallowed Relationships

Specifies types of relationships not allowed to connect to the DSL element. For a more detailed description, see Creating Custom Rules for Relationships .

Types For Source

Specifies metaclasses or stereotypes allowed to connect as the source of the relationship. Types cannot conflict with UML permitted types for this relationship.

The Types For Source property is intended for relationships only. The Customization Target property can either be the stereotype that extends the metaclass of the relationship, or the metaclass of the relationship itself.

For a more detailed description, see Creating Custom Rules for Relationships .

Types For Target

Specifies metaclasses or stereotypes allowed to connect as targets of the relationship. Types cannot conflict with UML permitted types for this relationship. 

The Types For Source property is intended for relationships only. That is, the Customization Target property can either be the stereotype that extends the metaclass of the relationship, or the metaclass of the relationship itself.

For a more detailed description, see Creating Custom Rules for Relationships


Additional Content

Stores a rule (in a form of derived property expression) for gathering the additional content of the DSL element.

Sub Element Contents IncludedSpecifies whether the content of the DSL element includes only directly related elements or both directly and indirectly related ones. 
Customization Target

Specifies a stereotype or a metaclass to customize. See a case study in Creating your First Customization .

Do No Suggest As Type Excludes customized elements from being suggested as a type in the list dialogs.
Hide MetatypeIndicates whether the DSL element will be recognized as a new type.
Preferred Metatype

Specifies a preferred metatype, if there is more than one Customization Target defined in the Customization Specification window. For more information, see Creating Property Groups and Subgroups

Quick Applying For

Specifies an element to which the created customization can be applied directly from the element shortcut menu. 

For more information, see Rules of Stereotypes that cannot be Allowed to Apply .

Customization Target

Specifies whether or not the name auto completion list is displayed when entering name for the DSL element on the diagram. If the Do Not Suggest Name Auto Completion property value is true, then the auto completion drop-down list is not displayed. 

Model Initialization

Specifies stereotypes that can be automatically applied to elements (source or target) after connecting those elements with customized relationships. The condition is that the customization target must be a stereotype for relationship. For more information, see Initializing Custom Model .

Apply to Source

Specifies stereotypes that will be applied on the source element of the relationship after connection.

The customization target should be a stereotype of relationship.

For more information, see Initializing Custom Model .

Apply to Target

Specifies stereotypes that will be applied to the target element of the relationship after connection.

The customization target should be a stereotype of relationship.

For more information, see Initializing Custom Model .

Super Types

Specifies the element that will be the super type of the DSL element. The generalization relationship will be created from the DSL element to the specified super type.

For more information, see Required Generalization or Interface realization.



Creates a category to group DSL elements in various shortcut menus, if the Hide Metatype property is true. For more information, see Creating a DSL Element from the Customized Category in the Shortcut Menu.

KeywordDefines a keyword to be displayed instead of the applied stereotype name.
Representation Text

Defines the text that will be used in status bars, dialogs, logs, and others. See an example of the Representation Text property usage in a drag-and-drop operation customization.

Do Not Suggest Name Auto Completion Specifies a short name for the DSL element. When creating the DSL element, the short name will be added automatically. 
Owned Elements
Hidden Owned Diagrams

Specifies the diagram types that will hidden for the DSL element. For example, if the property value is Any Diagram, all diagrams will be hidden and unavailable from the DSL element shortcut menu, under the Create Diagram command in the Model Browser. For more information, see Customizing Possible Owned Elements .

Hidden Owned Types

Specifies the metaclass or the stereotype that will be hidden for the DSL element. For example, if the property value is the Element metaclass, then all standard UML elements will be hidden in the DSL element shortcut menu, under the Create Element command in the Model Browser. For more information, see Customizing Possible Owned Elements .

Possible Owners

Specifies the metaclass or stereotype that can own the DSL element (specifies types of elements that can be owners of the DSL element). For example, to create a DSL element inside standard packages in the Model Browser, you must specify the Package metaclass as the Possible Owners property value. For more information, see an example in Creating Your First Customization and for a more detailed description, see Customizing Possible Owned Elements .

Suggested Owned Diagrams

Specifies types of diagrams that will appear in the DSL element shortcut menu when creating possible inner diagrams. For more information, see Customizing Possible Owned Elements.  

Suggested Owned Types

Specifies types of elements that can be owned by the DSL element. For example, if the property value is Section, then the Section elements can be owned by the customized element. For more information, see Customizing Possible Owned Elements.

Check Spelling

Specifies the properties for which the spell checker is enabled. 

Help ID

Defines a string value referring to an element-specific help topic, which can be opened for the DSL element.

In Shortcut Menu

Specifies properties that will be displayed in the DSL element shortcut menu. For more information, see Quick property editor

Multi Line Text Properties

Specifies properties for which multi line text editor will be used. Note only properties of string type is listed in editor of this property. For more information about creating properties in the DSL element Specification window, see Customizing Specification Window. For more information about editing property values in the Specification window, see the Editing Property Values.

Show Properties When Not Applied

Customizes the stereotype properties to be visible in the element Specification window even if the stereotype is not yet applied on the element. For more information, see Always Visible Properties .

Show Properties When Not Applied Limited By Element Type 

Customize the stereotype properties to be visible in the DSL element Specification window dependent on another stereotype or metaclass. For more information, see Always Visible Properties .

Show Properties When Not Applied Limited By Profile Application 

Customize the stereotype properties to be visible in the DSL element Specification window dependent on the corresponding profile application. For more information, see Always Visible Properties .

Specifies properties visibility mode in DSL element Specification window. 

Used UML Properties 

Allows to select UML element properties that will be visible in DSL element Specification window. For more information, see Using Standard UML Properties.


Default Shape Size

Defines default size of the shape when the symbol is created on a diagram. For more information, see Setting default symbol size

Specifies properties visibility mode in DSL element Symbol Properties dialog, in the symbol shortcut menu and in menus that open after clicking the Compartments or Create Element smart manipulators. 

Properties Displayed in CompartmentsAllows to select the specific properties to be displayed in compartments on shapes.