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Setting default symbol size

The Default Shape Size property defines the default size of a shape when you create a symbol in a diagram. Use the Default Shape Size property in the Customization element Specification window to define the default symbol size in DSL customization:

  • The first value is the width (x) in pixels. Value= 0 is used if a default symbol width should stay, but the height should change.
  • The second value is a height (y) in pixels.

A default shape size is used everywhere a new symbol is created - using drag-and-drop, diagram toolbar button, diagram wizards, etc. 

Setting custom path style

Customize the custom path style by changing:

  • Line style (dashes, dots, solid line, etc).
  • Arrow style at the first end and arrow style at the second end.
  • Custom scalable icon for the first end and for the second style. 

To create the custom path style

  1. In a profile, create a stereotype.
  2. Right-click either the stereotype or a created stereotype (usually created in the profile diagram). Select Metaclass. In the Select Metaclass dialog, clear all selections. Select the Relationships metaclass.
  3. Customize the path style. In the stereotype Specification window, click the Icon property and then click the  button.
  4. Click Yes to open the Path Icon Customization dialog.

  5. Specify the path style.
  6. Click OK when you are done.
  7. Apply the stereotype to a relationship.

Symbol Properties

Change the line width and the rest of the path properties in the Symbol Properties dialog

Path icon usage rules:

  • Custom appearance is used only after applying the stereotype.
  • End icons are rotated according to path position and direction.
  • The end icon size is scaled according to font size (as with standard arrows).