A modeling tool provides the ability to create a stereotype, which uses different icons depending on a stereotype “kind." For example, PseudoState can be represented by different notations that depend on PseudoStateKind.
To apply different icons on the same stereotype
- Create an Enumeration (in our example, supercarKind) to define all stereotype “kinds."
- Apply the «iconHolder» stereotype to the enumeration.
- Create as many EnumerationLiterals of as many different kinds as you need (in our example, it is “ferrari” and “audi”).
- Apply stereotypes with different icons to every EnumerationLiteral (in our example, «ferrari» and «audi»).
- Create a Stereotype (in our example, supercar) with a property (tag definition), with type enumeration (supercarKind). You could also select a default value.
- Assign the created stereotype to an element and select one of the enumeration values in tags. A stereotyped element will change its icon to the enumeration value.
Example of applying icons.
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