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By default, Web Application Platform is installed with SSL certificates. If needed, you can change the existing SSL certificate file with a new one as described below.

Changing the SSL certificate file

You can change the default SSL certificate file that comes with Web Application Platform installation as described below.

To change the SSL certificate file

  1. Go to the <web_app_platform_installation_directory>\conf directory and open to edit the server.xml file.
  2. In the server.xml file, change the default values of the following properties to the actual path to the certificate file and password:
    • certificateKeystoreFile="<path_to_certificate_file>"
    • certificateKeystorePassword="<password>"


    If you have created the SSL certificate file as described in the above section, the certificateKeystorePassword property value must be the same as the -storepass and -keypass property values that you specified when creating the SSL certificate.

  3. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Restart Web Application Platform.