This wizard is used to create the following tables:

To open the Actual Resources Deployment Creation Wizard

  • Do one of the following:
    • Press Ctrl+N.
    • From the main menu, select Diagrams > Create Diagram.
    • Right-click the <view name> Package and select Create Diagram > <diagram name>.
    • In the main toolbar, click Create Diagram, and in the opened window, search for the needed diagram.
      The Actual Resources Deployment Creation Wizard opens.

If you do not wish to use this wizard next time, clear the Show the wizard next time, when I create <diagram name> check box.

To restore the usage of the Diagram Creation Wizard

  1. Select Options > Environment.
  2. In the Environment Options dialog select the UAF options group.
  3. In the General properties, set the Show St-Rm Actual Deployment/CV-5/StV-5/NCV-5 Creation Wizard each Time Creating New Chart property value to true.

The wizard consists of six steps:

Specifying the name and owning package

In this step, you can select the existing or create a new owner for the created diagram. You can also type the diagram name.

Selecting Actual Enterprise Phase

In this step, select the existing or create a new Actual Enterprise Phase which will be represented as a key element in the table.

You can select (or create) instances or types. If you click the Type radio button and choose Enterprise Phase, the Actual Enterprise Phase is created automatically.

To create an Actual Enterprise Phase

  1. In the Select Actual Enterprise Phase step, click the Creation Mode.
  2. Select the package where you want to create a resource.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. In the Specification window of the newly created Actual Enterprise Phase, type its name.

Specifying start date

In this step, specify the start date for the selected Actual Enterprise Phase.

When you select the Actual Enterprise Phase with the defined Start and End dates, those dates are selected in the calendar. Although, the Actual Enterprise Phase might not have any dates defined, or defined only the Start date. If you specified the End date for the Actual Enterprise Phase, you need to define the Start date also.

Specifying end date

In this step, specify the end date for the selected Actual Enterprise Phase.

If the Actual Enterprise Phase has the End date defined, this date is selected in the calendar. The End date cannot be earlier than the Start date.

Selecting Capabilities

In this step, select existing or create new Capabilities which will be represented as columns in the table.

Once Capabilities are added, the Phases relationships between Actual Enterprise Phases and Capabilities are created

If the Actual Enterprise Phases already have Phases relationships with Capabilities, they will be displayed in the Selected Elements section. 

To create a Capability

  1. In the Select Capabilities step, click the Creation Mode.
  2. Select the package where you want to create a Capability.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. In the Specification window of the newly created Capability, type its name.

Selecting Actual Responsible Resources

In this step, select existing or create new Actual Responsible Resources which will be represented as rows of the table.

You can select (or create) instances or types. If you click the Type radio button and choose an Organizational Resource (Organization, Person, or Post), an instance for that Organizational Resource is created automatically and displayed in blue in the Selected Elements section (see the following figure).

To create an Actual Responsible Resource

  1. In the Select Actual Responsible Resources step, click the Creation Mode.
  2. Select the package where you want to create an Actual Responsible Resource.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. Select the needed Actual Responsible Resource.
  5. In the Specification window of the newly created Actual Responsible Resource, type its name.