To create an Operational Exchange in the NOV-2 diagram

  1. Open the Operational Exchange creation wizard. To open the wizard, do either:
    • Select a Operational Connector and on the smart manipulator, click the New Operational Exchange button.
    • On the Operational Exchanges toolbar in the diagram palette, click the Operational Exchange button and then click the Operational Connector.
  2. Specify the Operational Exchange item either by choosing an existing Operational Exchange or creating a new one.
  3. Specify the direction of the Operational Exchange.

An NOV-2 view also allows you to show mappings among Capabilities and Operational Performers, Location requirements, and Operational Ports provided or requested by Operational Performers.

The structure of each Operational Performer can be modeled using the Operationa Node Internal Relationship Description diagram or in a special structure compartment of this element shape.

Once the NOV-2 diagram has been completed, you can proceed creating the NOV-5 diagram.