Use the Project Options dialog to do the following:

  • Specify general project-specific options.
  • Specify summarizing information (for example, diagram author, diagram creation and modification dates) that will be displayed on each diagram.
  • Specify symbol property styles for shapes, paths, diagrams, and stereotypes within the project.

    For the instructions how to create, edit, clone, import /export, or remove symbol property styles, please refer to Style Engine.

  • Change default element property values.

    For the instructions about setting the default element property values, please refer to Default Property Values.

  • Set general code generation or code reversing options as well as code formatting styles for selected programming languages.

The Project Options dialog includes option groups, each designated for one of the above mentioned features and containing lists of corresponding options. Groups are represented using the tree structure.

An option value can be simply changed by typing a new value, setting a value to true / false, or selecting a value from the list. Click the Reset to Defaults button to restore default option values.

To open the Project Options dialog

  • From the Options menu, select Project.

    Structure of Project Options dialog

Changing options

In order to change a desired project option, first of all you need to find it in the Project Options dialog. These options are grouped into categories to make it easier for you to locate them. Use the quick filter to find find the desired option in the list. Filtering is performed in the all available options, not only in the selected option group.

To make sure you selected the right option, first read its description and see if the effect of changing the option value is what you expect to be done.

Make sure that the Show Description mode is turned on in the Project Options dialog.
To turn the Show Description mode on or off, click the Show Description button on the following toolbar in the Project Options dialog.

The Show Description button in the Project Options toolbar

To read the option description

  1. Click an option that you want to change.
  2. Read the option description in the area below the options list.

Project Options

The table below displays the default environment options. Additional options may appear based on installed plugins.

OptionDefault valueValue optionsDescription
Group Composite Instancestruetrue/falseSet to true to show composite instances under their owning instances instead of the actual owning package in the Containment tree.
Show Diagram Abbreviationsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to display abbreviations in front of the diagram names in the Containment Tree. Learn more >>>
Concept Modeling
Concept Modeling
Preferred annotation property-customThe preferred annotation property for comment providing documentation. When nothing is selected, '' will be used.
Always ask to remove generalization set namestruetrue/falseOpening a project with named generalization sets will prompt to automatically remove names of generalization sets.
OWL Import/Export
Always ask for a file destination when exporting to OWLtruetrue/falseTurns off use of the default file path and opens a file explorer window of OWL files.
Generate label when  exporting to OWLAsk

Always generate a matching label

Never generate a matching label 


Preferred option for generating labels when exporting to OWL. "Always generate a matching label" will generate a label when it would match the end of the element's IRI. "Never generate a matching label" will not generate a label when it would match the end of an element's IRI. "Ask" will prompt for every export.
Freeze IRI when exporting OWLAsk

Always freeze before export

Never freeze before export


Preferred option for freezing IRIs when exporting OWL. "Always freeze before export" will silently set missing IRI values. "Never freeze before export" will not set missing IRI values. "Ask" will prompt for every exporting package that has elements with missing IRI values.
OWL Export SyntaxRDF/XML



OWL Functional



The preferred syntax for OWL export.
OWL Import Catalog-customAn Oasis-*standard catalog file to map IRIs to local files or other IRIs. See for more information.
URI Construction StrategyHash URI

Hash URI

303 URI

The preferred URI construction strategy, as defined in HTTP://www.w3org/TR/cooluris/.
Glossary Table
Add classes to the glossaryfalsetrue/falseGenerate a glossary entry for classes.
Add association ends to the glossaryfalsetrue/falseGenerate a glossary entry for association ends.
Add attributes to the glossaryfalsetrue/falseGenerate a glossary entry for attributes.
Add enumerations to the glossaryfalsetrue/falseGenerate a glossary entry for enumerations.
Add enumeration literals to the glossaryfalsetrue/falseGenerate a glossary entry for enumeration literals.
Natural Language Glossary Report
Natural Language Glossary annotation property list-customAn ordered list of annotation properties to include in every Natural Language Glossary entry, in addition to preferred annotation property used for the definition.
Include property definitions in the Natural Language Glossarytruetrue/falseLists property definitions in addition to class definitions in the Natural Language Glossary.
Corba IDL
CORBA Interfaces implemented asUML Interface

UML Class

UML Interface

Specify whether the CORBA Interfaces should be implemented as a UML Class or UML Interface.
Show relationship ends asNo special notation

No special notation

With multiplicities

Crow's foot

Possibility to change relationship's display mode in IMM diagrams.
Dependency Checker
Check for Cyclic Dependencies among Used Projectsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to check for cyclic dependencies during the project export or package share. 
Dependency Checker Severity LevelInfo




Specify the dependency checker severity. The dependencies of the specified and higher severity will be displayed.
Ignore Standard/System Profilestruetrue/falseSet to true to exclude standard/system profiles when checking for cyclic dependencies in used projects.
Use i18n property for text rendering in the diagramstruetrue/falseSet to false to disable the i18n property. If the i18n property is set to false, all text symbols that are displayed in the diagram pane (for example, text which is displayed on the symbol) will not be distorted at any zoom ratio. 
Display All Pins in Diagramstruetrue/falseSet to true to always display pin elements in the diagrams. Note: if this option is set to true and the pin symbol is deleted from the diagram, then the corresponding pin element will be deleted from the model, too.
Display All Activity Parameter Nodes in Diagramstruetrue/falseSet to true to always display activity parameter node elements in the diagrams. Note: if this option is set to true and the activity parameter node symbol is deleted from the diagram, then the corresponding activity parameter node element will be deleted from the model, too. 
Use different Join/Fork and Decision/Merge notationstruetrue/falseUse different notations to draw Join/Fork and Decision/Merge.
Hide Information Flow If Conveyed Information is Missingfalsetrue/false

Set to true to hide the arrow notation that adorns the realizing element if the Conveyed Information of a realized Information Flow is hidden or unspecified.

Learn more >>>

Learn more >>>

Diagram ContextCreate Automatically

Create Automatically

Do Not Create

A new diagram context element will be created automatically when the new diagram owned by a Package is created. This option is valid for all diagrams based on a Composite Structure Diagram.
Apply Image ToType and Notify

Type and Notify



(This is personal property, meaning its value is unique for each user). Specify whether to apply an image to the property or its type when dragging or selecting an image from the Image Library or other resource. This option is available when the Type Selection Mode is switched on.
Use Aspectsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to use definable diagram aspects in the project.
Ignored Aspects-multi-selectionSpecify the aspects which should not be used in the project.
Suspend Auto-Resizing of Shapestruetrue/falseSet to true to keep the original size of shapes while editing the model by cutting text to fit inside the shape. You can use the Resize to Fit Content command (a small black square on the bottom line of the selected shape) to adjust the size of the shape to fit the content completely.
Suspend Auto-Displaying of Labelstruetrue/falseSet to true if you do not want to automatically show labels on the diagram pane while editing the model. You can use the Show Suspended Labels command (a small black square on the selected path) to show suspended labels on the diagram pane.
Highlight Suspended Symbolstruetrue/falseSet to true to highlight suspended symbols with not completely visible content.
Time Limit to Build Diagram 60RealSpecify the maximum time (in seconds) allotted for diagram building while exporting a diagram. If the time limit is exceeded, the diagram is not exported. Set to 0 to export the diagram without the time limit. 
Image Height Limit10000RealSpecify the maximum image height (in pixels) for diagram export. If the height limit is exceeded, the exported diagram is cropped, or the diagram is not exported at all, depending on the selected preference. Set to 0 to export the diagram without the image height limit. 
Image Width Limit10000RealSpecify the maximum image width (in pixels) for diagram export. If the width limit is exceeded, the exported diagram is cropped, or the diagram is not exported at all, depending on the selected preference. Set to 0 to export the diagram without the image width limit. 
Export Preference When Limits ExceededExport Cropped Diagram

Export Cropped Diagram

Do Not Export

Specify the diagram export preference if the diagram image height and/or width limits are exceeded.
Element References
Default Element Hyperlink Text Display ModeName


Icon + Representation text

Representation text

Custom text

Specify how the hyperlink to the model element is displayed by default. Select 'Name' to display the element name from its Specification window. The 'Representation text' displays the full element title, visible in the Containment tree. Choose the 'Icon+Representation text' to display the element icon together with the full element title. Select 'Custom text' to type your own text.
Default Element Hyperlink Text Update ModeAutomatically updated

Automatically updated

Automatically checked

Manually checked

Do not update

Specify when the hyperlink to the model element will be updated by default if the referenced element and the hyperlink become inconsistent. Select 'Automatically updated' to update hyperlink text or the referenced element name automatically. Choose 'Automatically checked' to enable active validation rules which check if the hyperlink and the referenced element are coherent. The 'Manually checked' option allows you to run validation manually, while the 'Do not update' option means that validation will not find any inconsistencies.
Path to Used Project




CustomSpecify the paths to store used projects and extension elements.
Enable Dot Notation for Associationsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to use the dot notation for associations. If the dot notation is applied to an association, the association end is decorated with the dot if that end is owned by a classifier. The absence of the dot signifies ownership by the association.
Change Ownership of Non-Navigable Association End when Changing Navigabilitytruetrue/falseSet to true to automatically change ownership of the non-navigable association end when the navigability of the association was changed.
Qualified Name Display StyleModel Library Relative


Model Relative

Model Library Relative

Model or Model Library Relative

Specify the mode of displaying the element qualified name. If the Model Library Relative mode is specified, it means that the element's full qualified name hierarchy is displayed on the shape, starting from the 
Synchronize Parameters and Argumentstruetrue/falseSet to true to synchronize the associated elements on elements creation or update.
Layout Template Creation ModeDefinition



Specify the mode layout template diagram creation. Choose 'Definition' to create the layout templates as a class diagram. Choose 'Usage' to create the layout templates as a composite structure diagram.
Layout Use Case Scenario Activity Diagramfalsetrue/falseSet to true to automatically lay out the activity diagram of the use case scenario every time it is opened.
Decimal Places4RealSpecify the maximum number of decimal places to be used when displaying the real number in tables and element Specification windows.
Eclipse UML2 XMI Output Location-CustomSpecify the path to the location where the exported Eclipse UML2 XMI will be saved.
Use Glossarytruetrue/falseSet to true to use the glossary functionality: mark terms in the text, create terms directly from the text, or reuse them in newly created texts.
Show Excel/CSV Import Migration Messagetruetrue/falseIf true, the Migration message is shown each time when importing Excel/CSV mapping created with the CSV Import plugin.
Tooltips StyleDo Not Show

Do Not Show

Show Element Name

Show Element Documentation

(This is personal property, meaning its value is unique for each user). Specify the mode to display the element tooltip.
Filtering PreferenceShow



Specify the default filtering preference for Legends.
Use Legendstruetrue/falseSet to true to enable Legends adorning and filtering functionalities across all tables and diagrams with symbols in the project.
Ignored Legends-multi-selectionSpecify the Legends which should not be used in the project.
Use Element Auto-Numberfalsetrue/falseElement auto-numbering option to control (turn off or turn on) element numbering functionality for the whole project.
Display Element Numberfalsetrue/falseThe 'Display Element Number' option allows to turn on or turn off the representation of the element number.
Lock Element Auto-Numberingfalsetrue/falseIf set to true, the element auto-numbering is locked and cannot be changed.
Check Element Number Uniqueness Including all Propertiesfalsetrue/falseSet to true to include the main element number together with all internal element numbers into element uniqueness checking.
Check Element Number Uniquenesstruetrue/falseSet to true to check element number uniqueness.
Check Element Number Uniqueness in:-multi-selectionElement number uniqueness options allow specifying where your element number should be unique. 
Path to the resources<project.dir>customSpecify the path to ReqIF resources to allow for exchanging projects among users. The default location is the project directory <project.dir>. Absolut local path, URL, and path variables are supported.
Store ReqIF Metadata Informationfalsetrue/falseSet to true to store the ReqIF metadata information in the model.
Relationship Types-customSpecify the relationship types to export. Otherwise, all relationship types are exported.
Pre-processing Rules -customSelect rules to apply before export.
Exclude PropertiesA list of properties-Add properties to ignore and not export into the ReqIF file.
Element Type-customSpecify an element type to create for the objects you are importing. The default type, unless otherwise specified, is Requirement.
Relation Type-customSpecify a relationship type to create for the relationships you are importing. The default type, unless otherwise specified, is DerivedReqt.
Post-processing Rules-customSelect rules to apply after import.
Import All Propertiestruetrue/falseSet to true to import all the properties into the model.
Exclude PropertiesA list of properties-Add properties to ignore and not import into the project.
Unredline Patterns in Requirement Textfalsetrue/falseSet to true to underline the Requirement text that matches the predefined pattern.
Show Reuse Dialog when Deriving Requirementtruetrue/false

(This is personal property, meaning its value is unique for each user)

Show a dialog before reusing the name and text when creating a new Derive relation.

Reuse Requirement Name and Texttruetrue/false

(This is personal property, meaning its value is unique for each user)

Reuse name and text when creating a new Derive relation.


Ask to update outdated 'Default' symbol stylestruetrue/false

Set to true to ask to update outdated 'Default' symbol styles.

Ask to update outdated 'Defined Elsewhere' symbol stylestruetrue/false

Set to true to ask to update outdated 'Defined Elsewhere' symbol styles.

Suspect Links
Enable Trackingfalsetrue/falseSet to true to start tracking suspect links.
Track Deprecated Elementstruetrue/falseSet to true to track element deletions.
Track Links in main Project Onlytruetrue/falseSet to true to track suspect links in the main project only.
Tracking Scope-multi-selectionSelect elements whose suspicions should be tracked.
Propagate SysML Valuestruetrue/falseIf True, the propagation mechanism is turned on which allows value reconfiguration from the nested structures of the context. Propagated values will be displayed in the initialValue compartment. Set to False to turn off the Value Propagation mechanism. Then the values will be collected only from the specified instances.
Change allocated Behavior contexttruetrue/falseIf enabled, Behavior::context will be the Block to which behavior is allocated.
Rename Property on Type Changefalsetrue/falseIf set to true, the name of the property or port (except Association End) that is default tool-generated is automatically changed to a type name after specifying the type for them. 
Rename Association End on Type Changetruetrue/falseIf set to true, the name of the Association End that is default tool-generated is automatically named as a type specified at the role end after connecting or reconnecting the Association. 
Create Association on Part Creationfalsetrue/falseIf enabled, an association between a part property type and part owner is created automatically.
Include Directed Features into Combined Direction of Proxy Portfalsetrue/falseIf enabled, includes all owned and inherited Directed Features of the property type into derived combined direction of the Proxy Port. Tread Provided as Out, Required as In direction. 
Show Unitsfalsetrue/falseIf enabled, the units are shown next to values and can be specified or changed directly on a Value Specification.
Show Type Names in Property Pathfalsetrue/falseUse type name in property path "dot notation" when property name is empty.
Allocation ModeAsk and Remember 

Definition (Activity allocated to Block)

Usage (Activity allocated to Part)

Ask and Remember 

Select the Usage mode to create allocation relationships between an Action and Part Property representing a swimlane in which the action is contained. Select the Definition mode to create an allocation relationship between a behavior of action (Activity) and Block representing a swimlane in which the action is contained.
Item Flow Creation ModeDirect

Between Part Types


Select the mode for managing Item Flow in your project:

Select "Direct" to create the Item Flow between ports or parts in SysML Internal Block Diagram.

Select "Between Part Types" to create the Item Flow between Part property types. The "Between Part Types" option also allows you to quickly realize and synchronize Flows on Activity Edges, Connectors, and Messages. 

Remove Not Realized Item Flowsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to automatically remove Item Flows after the last element that realizes them is deleted. 
Creation of Contextual RelationshipsDisabled

Fully enabled

Partially Enabled


Select "Fully Enabled" to establish relationships contextualization throughout the project.

Select "Partially Enabled" to ignore the contextualization while creating relationships on the diagram pane.

Select "Disabled" to bypass contextualization.

Show Item Flows on Affected Diagramstruetrue/falseSet to true to update all affected diagrams and show the Conveyed Items of Item Flows realized on Connectors, Activity Edges, Messages, or Associations whenever a new Item Flow is created or an existing one is modified.
Check Item Flow Realization Compatibilitytruetrue/false

Set to true to check the Item Flow compatibility with the behavior model while running the Behavior to Structure Synchronization. 
Learn more about UAF Behavior to structure synchronization.

Learn more about SysML Behavior to structure synchronization.

Architecture Framework-DoDAF, DoDAF 2.0, MODAF, NAF, NAF 4.0, UAF
UAF Enterprise Architecture
The architecture framework option identifies the environment and a subset of aliases to use within the context of the project (i.e., UAF, DoDAF, MODAF, etc.). To change the framework, go to File > Convert To.
ISO Date Time formatYYYY-MM-DD

Various, according to your locale

Select ISO Date Time format for setting dates for elements.
Use MIL-STD-2525 Symbology LibraryNoneAvailable library versionsSpecifies which MIL-STD-2525 Symbology Library Version to use for the project.
BPMN Compliance Modefalsetrue/falseSpecifies whether the compliant BPMN stereotypes should be applied to UAF Elements. The options must be true to create UAF diagrams dependent on the Business Process Diagram.
Map UAF Information Elements on ERD Entitiesfalsetrue/falseSpecifies whether the Entity stereotype should be applied to the UAF Entity Item element. The options must be true to create a UAF Entity Relationship Diagram.
Auto Check Model Completenessfalsetrue/falseIf true, the user will be automatically notified about model incompleteness (recommended for novice UAF users). Note, that the auto-check may decrease the performance of the modeling tool. 
Respect UAF Information Flows on Generalizationtruetrue/falseSpecifies whether the realization of inherited Operational Exchanges/Resource Exchanges is allowed or not. 
Respect UAF Information Flows on Aggregationtruetrue/falseSpecifies whether the realization of aggregated Operational Exchanges/Resource Exchanges is allowed or not. 
Default Property Sets owner--Defines the default owner for Property Sets, that are created using Property Set Models such as SV-7, NSV-7, or SvcV-7.
Inform about user read-only projects after conversiontruetrue/falseSet to true to inform about user read-only projects that haven't been converted during project conversion.
Show default documentation for UAF Packagestruetrue/falseSpecifies whether the default Package documentation should be shown in the UAF Packages Documentation property:
Set to true to show the default Package documentation for the newly created UAF Packages.
Set to false to create the new UAF Packages without the default documentation. Learn more>>>
Default Operational Constraints OwnerOperational Constraints -Defines the default owner for Operational constraints. Depending on the framework, the default owner is Operational Constraints, Business Rules, OV-6a, NOV-6a, or L8. Change the default owner by choosing a different one from the model.
Default Resource Constraints OwnerResource Constraints -Defines the default owner for Resource constraints. Depending on the framework, the default owner is Resource Constraints, SV-10a, NSV-10a, or P8. Change the default owner by choosing a different one from the model.
Default Service Constraints OwnerService Constraints -Defines the default owner for Service Policies and Service Contracts constraints. Depending on the framework, the default owner for the Service Policies constraints is Service Constraints, SOV-4a, SvcV-10a, or S8 and for the Service Contracts, the default owner is Service Constraints. Change the default owner by choosing a different one from the model.
Default Strategic Constraints OwnerStrategic Constraints -Defines the default owner for Strategic constraints. Depending on the framework, the default owner is Strategic Constraints or C8. Change the default owner by choosing a different one from the model.
Default Security Constraints Owner Security Constraints -Defines the default owner for Security constraints. Depending on the framework, the default owner is Security Constraints. Change the default owner by choosing a different one from the model.
Validation Scope-multi-selectionSpecify the validation scope. The validation scope can be the entire model or some part of it. When the validation is run, each validation rule is evaluated for each suitable element in the validation scope.
Validate only Visible Diagramstruetrue/falseSet to true to validate only elements in one or more visible diagrams.
Exclude Elements from Used Read-Only Projecttruetrue/falseSet to true to exclude projects used in read-only mode and the elements that exist in these projects. Excluded projects will not be validated.
Mark in Tree and Diagramstruetrue/falseSet to true to highlight the invalid model elements in the browser with a small x symbol. The element symbol will be colored according to the severity level of the problem in the diagram.
Ignored Validation Suites-multi-selectionSpecify the validation suites which should not be run during the model validation.
Ignored Validation Rules-multi-selectionSpecify the validation rules that should not be run during the automatic model validation.
Minimal Severitywarning






Specify the minimal severity. When the validation is running, only the validation rules of the specified and the higher severity level will be run.
Composition InspectionStandard



Select the level of composition inspection in your projects. The Standard inspection searches for issues only in the project, while the Advanced inspection, in addition to the Standard inspection, searches for issues in all the used projects. The inspection runs validation rules which validate the correctness of model integrity and project composition.
Detect Illegal Model References in Shared Projectstruetrue/falseSet to true to check for illegal model references in projects. Illegal references are one of the main reasons why recovered elements appear in shared projects.
Ignored Validation Suites-multi-selectionSpecify the validation suites which should not be run during the passive diagram validation.
Ignored Validation Rules-multi-selectionSpecify the validation rules which should not be run during the passive diagram validation.
Minimal Severitywarning






Specify the minimal severity. When passive diagram validation is running, only the validation rules of the specified and the higher severity level will be run.
Diagram Info
Diagram information shows summarized data in each diagram, e.g. the author, creation and modification dates, etc. Choose the diagram tags in standard mode, their values should be shown in a predefined diagram information table, or choose how diagram information should e represented using the HTML code.
Symbol styles
Specify the shape, path, diagram, and stereotype symbol properties. Create, edit, clone, import/export, or remove element display styles. Also, set default styles or apply new styles to existing diagrams.
Fill ColorRGB [255, 255, 204]CustomChange the fill color of the shape.
Use Fill Colortruetrue/falseShapes are colored on the diagram.
Pen ColorRGB [66, 66, 66]CustomChange the color of the path or lines around shapes.
Text ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the text.
Line Width1RealSpecify the line width of the symbol.
FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the text.
Show Number Tag Nametruetrue/falseThe option allows you to turn on or turn off the element number tag name on the symbol.
Element Number Display ModeBefore the element name

Above the element name

Before the element name

Do not display on symbol

The element number display mode option specifies the position on the symbol where the element number should be displayed.
Fill ColorRGB [255, 255, 204]CustomChange the fill color of the shape.
Use Fill Colortruetrue/falseShapes are colored on the diagram.
Pen ColorRGB [66, 66, 66]CustomChange the color of the path or lines around shapes.
Text ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the text.
Line Width1RealSpecify the line width of the symbol.
FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the text.
Show Number Tag Nametruetrue/falseThe option allows you to turn on or turn off the element number tag name on the symbol.
Element Number Display ModeBefore the element name

Above the element name

Before the element name

Do not display on symbol

The element number display mode option specifies the position on the symbol where the element number should be displayed.
Autosizefalsetrue/falseAdjusts the size of a symbol to the contained information so that it uses minimum space.
Use Fixed Connection Pointsfalsetrue/falseWhen drawing a path between shapes, the end of the path is connected to the fixed point of the shape.
Suspend Auto-Resizing of ShapeSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true to keep the original size of the selected shape while editing the model by cutting text to fit the shape. You can use the Resize to Fit Content command (a small black square on the bottom line of the selected shape) to adjust the size of the shape to fit the content completely. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Suspend Auto-Displaying of LabelSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true if you do not want to automatically show labels on the diagram pane while editing the model. You can use the Show Suspended labels command (a small black square on the selected path) to show suspended labels on the diagram pane. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Label OrientationHorizontal




Specify the orientation of the labels. Automatic label orientation will rotate labels of symbols according to the symbol orientation or edge orientation on which the symbol is placed.
Header in Boldtruetrue/falseShows the name of the symbol as bolded.
Text Vertical PositionTop




Choose text and compartments' vertical position within the symbol.
Stereotype ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the stereotype text label.
Stereotype FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the stereotype text label.
Show StereotypesText and Icon

Text and Icon



Shape Image and Text

Shape Image

Do Not Display

Display stereotypes on symbols.
Show DSL StereotypesAll


Only Last


Specify whether to show all, none, or only the last of the DSL Stereotypes (stereotypes that have DSL customization with the option hideMetatype = true) on a symbol.
Show Constraintstruetrue/falseDisplays constraints on symbols.
Show OwnerDo Not Display

Do Not Display

Below Element Name

In Same Line With Name

Above Element Name

Displays the name of the owner model element (beneath the corresponding model element name - old style notation, in the same line with the name, or above the element name).
Wrap Wordsfalsetrue/falseWraps words to a new line when text exceeds textbox (name, constraint, tagged value, conveyed information, extension point, or provided and required interfaces) width.
Show Tagged Valuestruetrue/falseDisplays tagged values on symbols.
Tagged Values and Constraints Horizontal PositionRight




Choose the text alignment position of tagged values and constraints on the shape.
Constraint Text ModeExpression



Name and Expression

Choose the constraint name or expression to be displayed on the symbol.
Show Element Propertiesfalsetrue/falseChoose if the properties are displayed on the symbol of the element.
Show Icons in Compartmentstruetrue/falseSet to true to show the icon before the element name in the compartment.
Show Element Type in Compartmentsfalsetrue/falseSet to true to show the element type before its name when the icons are hidden in the compartment.
Show Derived Signfalsetrue/falseSet to true to show the derived sign (/) before the element name in the Tagged Values compartment.
Fill ColorRGB [255, 255, 204]CustomChange the fill color of the shape.
Use Fill Colortruetrue/falseShapes are colored on the diagram.
Pen ColorRGB [66, 66, 66]CustomChange the color of the path or lines around shapes.
Text ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the text.
Line Width1RealSpecify the line width of the symbol.
FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the text.
Show Number Tag Nametruetrue/falseThe option allows you to turn on or turn off the element number tag name on the symbol.
Element Number Display ModeBefore the element name

Above the element name

Before the element name

Do not display on symbol

The element number display mode option specifies the position on the symbol where the element number should be displayed.
Path StyleRectilinear




Choose the style for the selected path.
Rounded Cornersfalsetrue/falsePath breakpoints rounded or not.
Constraint Text ModeExpression



Name and Expression

Choose the constraint name or expression to be displayed on the symbol.
Suspend Auto-Resizing of ShapeSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true to keep the original size of the selected shape while editing the model by cutting text to fit the shape. You can use the Resize to Fit Content command (a small black square on the bottom line of the selected shape) to adjust the size of the shape to fit the content completely. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Suspend Auto-Displaying of LabelSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true if you do not want to automatically show labels on the diagram pane while editing the model. You can use the Show Suspended labels command (a small black square on the selected path) to show suspended labels on the diagram pane. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Label OrientationHorizontal




Specify the orientation of labels. Automatic label orientation will rotate labels of symbols according to the symbol orientation or edge orientation on which the symbol is placed.
Pen ColorRGB [66, 66, 66]CustomChange the color of the path or lines around shapes.
Text ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the text.
Line Width1RealSpecify the line width of the symbol.
FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the text.
Show Number Tag Nametruetrue/falseThe option allows you to turn on or turn off the element number tag name on the symbol.
Element Number Display ModeBefore the element name

Above the element name

Before the element name

Do not display on symbol

The element number display mode option specifies the position on the symbol where the element number should be displayed.
Background ColorRGB [255, 255, 255]CustomChange the color of the diagram background.
Use Gradient Filltruetrue/falseUse gradient for the shape color.
3D Shadowtruetrue/falseDisplay 3D shadow on shapes.
Show Gridfalsetrue/falseDisplays gridlines on the diagram background.
Grid Size72-30Define the desired size for the gridlines.
Snap Paths to Gridtruetrue/falseWhen moving paths, snap them to the grid.
Snap Shapes to Gridtruetrue/falseWhen moving shapes, snap them to the grid.
Show Message Numberstruetrue/falseShow message numbers on the diagram.
Use Advanced Numberingtruetrue/falseUse advanced numbering.
Show Activationstruetrue/falseDisplay activation bars on lifelines in sequence diagrams.
Show Diagram Infofalsetrue/falseDisplay the table with the main information (name, author, creation and modification dates, etc.) about the diagram.
Show Ownerfalsetrue/falseDisplays diagram owner on the diagram tab.
Show StereotypesText and Icon

Text and Icon



Shape Image and Text

Shape Image

Do Not Display

Display stereotypes on symbols.
Show DSL StereotypesAll


Only Last


Specify whether to show all, none, or only the last of the DSL Stereotypes (stereotypes that have DSL customization with the option hideMetatype = true) on a symbol.
Use StereotypeDiagram



Use diagram stereotype or diagram context stereotype.
Stereotype ColorRGB [0, 0, 0]CustomChange the color of the stereotype text label.
Stereotype FontArial 11multi-listChange the font style of the stereotype text label.
Diagram OrientationVertical



Set a diagram orientation mode.
Add Line Jumps ToHorizontal Line


Horizontal Line

Vertial Line

Specified how line jumps are added to intersections of links on the diagram. None - specifies that the diagram use no line jumps. Horizontal Line - specified that the line jumps appear only on horizontal lines. Vertical Line - specified that the line jumps appear only on the vertical lines.
Suspend Auto-Resizing of ShapeSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true to keep the original size of the selected shape while editing the model by cutting text to fit the shape. You can use the Resize to Fit Content command (a small black square on the bottom line of the selected shape) to adjust the size of the shape to fit the content completely. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Suspend Auto-Displaying of LabelSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true if you do not want to automatically show labels on the diagram pane while editing the model. You can use the Show Suspended labels command (a small black square on the selected path) to show suspended labels on the diagram pane. By default, the appropriate property defined for the diagram is used.
Show Diagram Frametruetrue/falseDisplays diagram frame on the diagram.
Show Abbreviated Typefalsetrue/falseShows full/abbreviated diagram keyword type on the diagram frame header.
Show Diagram Nametruetrue/falseThe diagram name is displayed or hidden in the diagram frame header.
Show Diagram Typefalsetrue/falseThe diagram kind is displayed or hidden in the diagram frame header.
Show Parameterstruetrue/falseThe diagram context element parameters (if there are any) are displayed in the diagram frame header.
Show Context Nametruetrue/falseThe diagram context element name is displayed or hidden in the diagram frame header.
Show Context Typefalsetrue/falseThe diagram context element type is displayed or hidden in the diagram frame header.
Show Context Kindtruetrue/falseThe context kind is a keyword predefined in UML (e.g., package, class, activity).
Autosizefalsetrue/falseAdjusts the size of a symbol to the contained information so that it uses minimum space.
Aspect RatioUnspecified







A4 Landscape

A4 Portrait

US Letter Landscape

US Letter Portrait

Choose the diagram frame aspect ratio from the list or define a new one. the format of your defined aspect ratio should be 'W:H'.
Use Rounded Cornerstruetrue/falseUse rounded corners on the diagram frame. Diagram frames in Activity and State Machine diagrams can be represented as rounded rectangles.
Suspend Auto-Resizing of ShapesSame as Diagram

Same as Diagram



Set to true to keep the original size of shapes while editing the model by cutting text to fit inside the shape. You can use the Resize to Fit Content command (a small black square on the bottom line of the selected shape) to adjust the size of the shape to fit the content completely.
Create elements' properties by stereotype. These properties will be applied when the symbol of the stereotyped element is created on the diagram pane.
Default model properties
In the Default model properties tab, select an element and change its default property values (the element will have these values after its creation). To change the default value only for a specific diagram, go to Diagrams main menu / Customize and edit the selected element properties. 
Code Engineering

Set general code generation or code reversing options. Also, configure generated code formatting styles for the selected programming languages. Subcategories:

Code Generation


Java Language Options

C++ Language Options

CORBA IDL 3.0 Language Options