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Creating StV-3 diagram

When you choose to create StV-3 diagram, StV-3 Creation Wizard opens.

To create a StV-3 diagram from the wizard

  1. From the Diagrams menu, select Create Diagram.
  2. Click StV-3 Capability Phasing.
  3. In the StV-3 Capability Phasing dialog, click Add. StV-3 Creation Wizard opens.
  4. Follow the steps of the wizard.
  5. Click Finish when you are done.

If you do not wish to use the StV-3 Creation Wizard next time, clear the check box near “Show the wizard next time, when I create StV-3”.

Also you can disable the wizard. Go to Options > Environment. In the Environment Options dialog go to UAF tab. In the General properties, set Show CV-3/ StV-3 Creation Wizard each Time
Creating New Chart to false.

To create a StV-3 diagram manually

  1. From the Diagrams menu, select Create Diagram.
  2. Click StV-3 Capability Phasing.
  3. In the StV-3 Capability Phasing dialog click Add.
  4. Specify the diagram name and create or select the owner of the diagram.

    You can select as a diagram owner a view or viewpoint that is already created in the UAF project template.

  5. Click OK. The blank StV-3 diagram is created.

Adding capabilities to StV-3 chart

To add a new capability

  • On the StV-3 diagram toolbar, click Add New > Capability. On the diagram pane, an empty line for the newly created capability appears.

To add a new capability provision

  1. Select the capability for which you want to create a capability provision.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the StV-3 diagram toolbar, click Add New > Capability Provision.
    • On the shortcut menu of the selected capability, click Add new Capability Provision.
  3. Follow the steps of the Capability Provision Creation Wizard.
  4. Click Finish, when you are done.

To add an existing capability

  1. On the StV-3 diagram toolbar, click Add Existing. The Select element dialog opens.
  2. In the dialog, select a capability (or several capabilities) and click the + button.
  3. Click OK when you are done.

Adding sub capabilities to StV-3 chart

To add a new sub capability

  1. Select the capability for which you want to create a sub capability.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the StV-3 diagram toolbar, click Add New > Sub Capability.
    • On the shortcut menu of the selected capability, click Add new Sub Capability.
  3. On the diagram pane, an empty line for the newly created capability appears.

To add an existing sub capability

  1. Select the capability for which you want to add a sub capability.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the StV-3 diagram toolbar, click Add Existing > Sub Capability.
    • On the shortcut menu of the selected capability, click Add existing Sub Capability.
  3. In the opened Select Capability dialog, select a capability (or several capabilities) and click the + button.
  4. Click OK when you are done.

The element name in gray indicates that the element was used from another project and/or is read-only.

Removing capabilities and sub capabilities from StV-3 chart

To remove a capability or sub capability from the chart

  1. Select a capability.
  2. On the diagram toolbar, click Remove From Chart.

To delete a capability or sub capability from the model

  1. Select a capability or sub capability.
  2. On the diagram toolbar, click Delete.

Displaying Sub Capabilities deleted from diagram

The capability name becomes highlighted when one or more sub capabilities are removed from the chart.

To display deleted Sub Capability

  1. Select the Capability which Sub Capabilities you want to restore.
  2. From the selected Capability’s shortcut menu, select Show/Hide Sub Capabilities and do one of the following:
    • Select the Sub Capabilities you want to be displayed.
    • Click Select All to display all removed Sub Capabilities.
  3. Click Apply.

Display all sub capabilities in StV-3 chart

To display all sub capabilities

  1. Select the capability which sub capabilities you want to display.
  2. In the StV-3 chart toolbar, click the Display All button.

Editing Capability Provision

To edit Capability Provision

  1. Right-click the Capability.
  2. Select Edit Capability Provision.
  3. Choose the Capability Provision which you want to edit. The Capability Provision Creation Wizard opens.
  4. Edit the dates.
  5. Click Finish.

Removing Capability Provision

To remove Capability Provision

  1. Right-click the Capability.
  2. Select Remove Capability Provision.
  3. Click the Capability Provision which you want to remove from the chart.