In the Teamwork Cloud installation instructions provided for 18.5 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, 19.0 GA, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 versions, we recommended using a too wide-ranged permission 777, resulting in a vulnerability in computers. Therefore, we have updated the installation instructions and scripts. 

The updated installation instructions are available at:

19.0 SP4:

19.0 SP3:

19.0 SP2:

19.0 SP1:

19.0 GA:

18.5 SP4:

18.5 SP3:

18.5 SP2:

18.5 SP1: 

Check your Teamwork Cloud installation for the incorrect permission and fix it using the following instructions.

There are two places where the incorrect permissions can be found if the old installation scripts were used.

1. The file /etc/environment.

a. How to check for the problem?

Execute the command

stat /etc/environment

If the problem exists, the result access permission will be shown like the following.

Access: (0777/-rwxrwxrwx)

b. How to fix the problem?

Execute the following command to change the permission to 644.

chmod 644 /etc/environment


2. The folder /home/twcloud

This is a home folder of the user, twcloud, created from installation helper script. 

a. How to check for the problem

Execute the command

stat /home/twcloud

If the problem exists, the result access permission will be shown like the following.

Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)

b. How to fix the problem?

We recommend revoking the write and execute permission from group (g) and any other user (o).

Execute the following command to do so.

chmod -R g-wx,o-wx /home/twcloud