NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Hot Fix 3 was released on November 29, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Hot Fix 3 Version News.
NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 was released on December 6, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 Version News.

OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol. It allows you to authorize API access to Teamwork Cloud Admin and other modeling tools. Once access has been granted, the authorized application can utilize the API on behalf of the user. Only users with Configure Server permission can register and manage consumer keys. After registering the key, you must approve it, which can be done in the Consumer keys data table. When the consumer key is approved, its status will change to Approved. This feature enables you to easily change the status of consumer keys, allowing you to control users' sign-in requests. 

The consumer key is unique, but the assigned consumer name and consumer secret can be changed. If changes occurred, the Administrator should provide a new consumer name and secret to the user. 

Register the OAuth consumer key

To register the consumer key

  1. In the Settings application, go to the OAuth consumers page. 
  2. In the Register consumer section, enter the Consumer name and Consumer secret.
  3. Re-type the consumer secret and click Register.
  4. A consumer key will be immediately generated and added to the Consumer keys data table. 
  5. To activate the new consumer key, you will need to approve it

Actions with registered consumer keys

To edit the consumer name and secret

  1. In the Consumer key table, indicate the consumer key row you want to change
  2. Click  and select Edit. The confirmation dialog opens.
  3. In this dialog you can change the Consumer name and Consumer secret. Note that the Consumer key is unique and cannot be changed. 
  4. Click Save, to save changes. 

To approve or disapprove the consumer key

  1. In the Consumer key table, indicate the consumer key row you want to approve (or disapprove). 
  2. Click  and select Approve (or Disapprove). The confirmation dialog opens.
  3. In this dialog you you must confirm that this consumer key will be approved (or disapproved). 
    • When the consumer key is disapproved, all text in the key row will be greyed out. 
    • When the consumer key is approved, all text in the key row will be black. 

To remove a consumer key

  1. In the Consumer key table, indicate the consumer key row you want to change
  2. Click  and select Remove. The confirmation dialog opens.
  3. Click Remove to permanently remove consumer key. 


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