The available command arguments include:
- -upload is the key argument to upload a generated report to a server.
The following code is the uploaded command syntax of the upload value.
-upload "{scheme}://[{userInfo}@]{host}[:{port}][/{path}][?{query}][#{fragment}]"
where square brackets [...] are delineated as optional.
- {scheme}
The {scheme} defines the namespace, purpose, and the syntax of the remaining part of a URL. This field is mandatory. A scheme must be followed by “://”. The supported schemes are: - ftp
- ftps
- sftp
- http
The {userInfo} defines the username and password for authentication. The syntax is displayed as follows.{username}[:{password}]
This optional password must be predicated by “:”, and it can be an empty string. If the password is omitted, the command line will prompt for the password.
UserInfo must be followed by “@”, and this field is optional.Warning
{username} and {password} should not contain special characters such as “:”, “/”, and “@” for they may cause an invalid result or error when the uploaded command is parsed.
The {host} defines a host name or an IP address that gives the destination location of a URL. This field is mandatory.{port}
The {port} defines a port number where the server is listed. The port value has to be a value from 1 to 65535. It is necessary when the port number is different from the default port for well-known services. If the port is omitted, the default port will be used to connect to the server. The table below shows a port number for each scheme.The table below lists the Default Port Numbers for Schemes
Scheme | Port Number |
Scheme | Port Number |
ftp | 21 |
ftps | 990 |
sftp | 22 |
http | 80 |
https | 443 |
The port must be preceded by ":". This field is optional.
The {path} defines a remote location where the report will be saved. Paths are Unix-style paths; therefore use “/” (forward-slash) as delimiters. This field is optional.{query}
The {query} defines a query string that contains data to be passed to software running on the server. It may contain name or value pairs separated by ampersands.{fragment}
The {fragment} defines a fragment identifier that, if present, specifies a part or a position within the overall resource or document.
For this feature, the parser ignores query and fragment. Both fields are included in {path}.
The following are some examples of valid server addresses.
Scheme ftp User name magicreport Password 1234 Host Port 25 Path report
Scheme ftp Host Port 25 Path report
Scheme ftp Host Port 21 (Default port for ftp) ftp://magicreport@
Scheme ftp User name magicreport Host Port 25 Path report Tip
The command line prompts for password.
Scheme ftp User name magicreport Password Host Port 25 Path report Tip
The command line uses an empty password.
The following are some examples of invalid server addresses.
Invalid Server Address Cause Invalid Server Address Cause The scheme is required. Xx:// The scheme is invalid. ftp://magicreport@ The host is required. ftp://@ The username is required.