NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Hot Fix 3 was released on November 29, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Hot Fix 3 Version News.
NEW RELEASE! The 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 was released on December 6, 2024. For more information, see 2024x Refresh1 Hot Fix 1 Version News.

You can click the  or  button in the Organize Macros dialog to delete or execute a selected macro. You can also press the pre-designed mnemonic keys to delete or run a macro as described in Organizing Macros Dialog Mnemonic Keys below.


Deleting a Macro

To delete a macro from the Organize Macros dialog

  1. Click Tools > Macros > Organize Macros to open the Organize Macros dialog.
  2. Select a macro from the table and either click Delete or press Alt + D. A dialog will open, asking whether you want to delete the macro, see figure below.

Deleting a Macro

     3.  Click Yes and the macro will be deleted from the Organize Macros dialog.

Executing a Macro

To execute a macro from the Organize Macros dialog

  1. Click Tools > Macros > Organize Macros The Organize Macros dialog will open, see figure below.

    Executing Macro

  2. Select a macro from the table and click . After the macro has been executed, a message will open: The macro <macro name> has been executed.
  3. If you have the parameters in the Macro Information dialog, you need to specify the value in the Macro Arguments dialog, see figure below, before running the macro.

    • For an array datatype, you need to click the button in the Value column in the Macro Arguments dialog and enter each value into each line. The value of the first line will be the value in array index 0.
    • An ElementPath is a Qualified Name. You can find this information in the specification dialog of each element, see figure below.
    • The Macro Arguments dialog, see the figure below, will be displayed if the  check box is not selected.
    • If you want to save argument values in the Macro Arguments dialog, you need to select the Set as default values check box before you click OK.

Specification of class

Macro Arguments Dialog


  • You can also execute a macro from the main browser in MagicDraw by pressing the shortcut keys that you have defined in the Organize Macros dialog.
  • You can only run macro one at a time.
  • If there is an error while running a macro, for example, syntax error, the following message will open: MagicDraw cannot execute the <macro language> macro, please make sure that <path, filename, extension> is correct. <error description>.
  • If MagicDraw cannot find a macro file in the location that you have specified in the Open dialog, the following message will open: MagicDraw cannot find the macro: <path, filename, extension>.


Organizing Macros Dialog Mnemonic Keys

Macro Engine also provides mnemonic keys to add, edit, delete, and run a macro from the Organize Macros dialog. The table below shows the Organize Macros dialog mnemonic keys and their function.

Table listing of Organize Macros Dialog Mnemonic Keys

  Mnemonic keys
Alt + ATo add a macro in the 
Macro Information dialog.
Alt + ETo edit a macro in the 
Macro Information dialog.
Alt + DTo delete a macro from the 
Organize Macros dialog.
Alt + O
Code To edit source
code in Macro Editor.
Alt + RTo run a macro from the 
Organize Macros dialog.
Alt + C To click the Close button.
Alt + HTo click the Help button.
  • You can click the  button in the Organize Macros dialog, see figure above, to edit and save source code in the Macro Editor dialog, see figure below.
  • You can click  to save the source code or click  to run the macro in the Macro Editor dialog, see figure below.

Macro Editor




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