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Creating chart objects and setting chart types and styles

To create a chart in accordance with the specified chart type and style, use the following code:

create(chartType : String, chartStyle : String) : Chart

Where the parameters are:

  • chartType: case-sensitive type of the created chart with one of the following options:
    • "Column"
    • "Line"
    • "Pie"
    • "Bar"
    • "Area"
    • "Surface"
    • "Radar"

  • chartStyle: case-sensitive style of the created chart with one of the following options:

    • Column
      • "Clustered Column" (by default)
      • "Stacked Column"
      • "100% Stacked Column"
      • "3-D Clustered Column"
      • "3-D Stacked Column"
      • "3-D 100% Stacked Column"
      • "3-D Column"
    • Line
      • "Line" (by default)

      • "3-D Line"
    • Pie
      • "Pie" (by default)
      • "3-D Pie"
      • "Doughnut"
    • Bar
      • "Clustered Bar" (by default)
      • "Stacked Bar"
      • "100% Stacked Bar"
      • "3-D Clustered Bar"
      • "3-D Stacked Bar"
      • "3-D 100% Stacked Bar"
    • Area
      • "Area" (by default)
      • "Stacked Area"
      • "100% Stacked Area"
      • "3-D Area"
      • "3-D Stacked Area"

      • "3-D 100% Stacked Area"
    • Surface
      • "3-D Surface" (by default)
      • "Wireframe 3-D Surface"
      • "Contour"
      • "Wireframe Contour"
    • Radar
      • "Radar" (by default)
      • "Radar with Markers"
      • "Filled Radar"

If you do not specify the chart style, the default style of the chosen chart type is used.

A code example:

#set($linechart = $chart.create("Line", "Line"))

Setting chart titles

To set the chart title, use the following code:

setTitle(title String)

For example:

$linechart.setTitle("Line Chart")

If you do not enter the chart title, the default title “Sample” is used.

Setting chart data categories

To create a matrix data table, set the data categories or row headers for the tag value of each data series/column by using the following code:

$linechart.setCategories(categories : Collection)

For example:

#set($categories = $array.createArray())
#set($void = $categories.add("TagA"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagB"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagC"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagD"))


From the sample code above, the row headers of the chart are set.

Setting chart data series

To create a matrix data table, set the data series or column headers by using the following code:

$linechart.createSeries(seriesName : String) : DataSeries

For example:

#set($series = $linechart.createSeries($element.name))

Setting a data source for each data series

To prepare a data source for each of the data series, use the following code:

setDataSources(dataSource : Collection)

For example:

#foreach($element in $sorter.sort($MyElement))
#set($series = $linechart.createSeries($element.name))
#set($dataSources = $array.createArray())
#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagA))
#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagB))
#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagC))
#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagD))
#set($void = $series.setDataSources($dataSources))

Printing a chart to a report

To print a chart to a report, use the following code:


For example:


A sample model used to extract values for creating a chart.

Tag values from a model mapped into a matrix table using the Chart tool to create a chart.

A full sample of the Chart tool code is shown below:

#import('chart', 'com.nomagic.reportwizard.tools.ChartTool')
#set($linechart = $chart.create("Line", "Line"))

#set($categories = $array.createArray())
#set($void = $categories.add("TagA"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagB"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagC"))
#set($void = $categories.add("TagD"))

#foreach($element in $sorter.sort($MyElement))
	#set($series = $linechart.createSeries($element.name))
	#set($dataSources = $array.createArray())
	#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagA))
	#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagB))
	#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagC))
	#set($void = $dataSources.add("$element.tagD))
	#set($void = $series.setDataSources($dataSources))

A chart printed to a report after applying the full sample code using the Chart tool.