You must start Cassandra first before you start Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) and run TWCloud properly in order to connect your client to the server and work on your project. In brief, you need to sequentially do the following steps.

You must start TWCloud's authentication server first when attempting to run TWCloud for the first time.

  1. Start Cassandra.
  2. Start TWCloud.
  3. Start the authentication server (you must start it after you start Cassandra).

You can start TWCloud from the Windows Services panel.

To start TWCloud on Windows

  1. Open the Windows Services panel.
  2. Locate the No Magic Teamwork Cloud service and start it. (As with normal startup, Cassandra must already be running.)
  3. Locate the No Magic Authserver service and start it

To stop TWCloud on Windows

  1. Open the Windows Services panel.
  2. Locate the No Magic Teamwork Cloud service and stop it.
  3. Locate the No Magic Authserver service and stop it


The services may take a long time to stop, please be patient.

To get started working with TWCloud in MagicDraw and using TWAdmin, you need to access TWAdmin to apply the TWCloud license so that you can enable other users to use TWCloud in MagicDraw and TWAdmin. To start collaboration session, you need to log in to a server. 

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