NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The following sections describe additional EA specific Interaction Overview diagram information.

Interaction Overview Diagram

An Interaction Overview diagram is one of four types of Interaction diagrams. The other three are Timing, Sequence, and Communication diagrams.  An Interaction Overview diagram, just like an Activity diagram, visualizes a sequence of activities. Most of the notation elements for Interaction Overview diagrams are the same as those for Activity diagrams (such as Initial, Decision, Fork, Join, and Final Nodes). Interaction Occurrences and Interaction elements are two new elements in the interaction overview diagrams.

Interaction Overview Diagram.

After conversion, the Interaction Overview diagram will be placed within an Activity element.

Interaction Overview Diagram Placement.

Interaction Element

Interaction elements display an inline Interaction diagram (Interaction Overview, Timing, Sequence, or Communication diagram). In EA, Interaction elements can be created to display other diagrams than those classified as Interaction diagrams.

Interaction element.

Interaction Element in Interaction Overview Diagram.

Interaction Occurrence

Interaction Occurrence elements refer to an existing Interaction diagram. They are visually represented by a rectangular frame, which can be created by dragging the Interaction diagram from the project Browser to an Interaction Overview diagram and selecting the Interaction Occurrence command from the shortcut menu.

Interaction Occurence element.


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