NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The pre-commit validation runs just before a committing server project to the Teamwork Cloud. This validation protects against violations that are not allowed according to the preset validation suites. You will receive a notification prior to commit completion if the validation fails, according to setup. The notifications can be either a warning (with an ability to continue the commit) or error messages (to disallow commit). Pre-commit validation does not run validations on auto-commits (e.g. when upgrading profiles, on element move to the used project, update from a local file and other).

Required options for pre-commit validation

To enable pre-commit validation, you must set up at least two project options:


Customize validation options

Customize validation options in the Project Options dialog.

To open the Validation Options

  1. Open the Project Options dialog in one of the following ways:
    • On the main menu, select Analyze > Validation > Validation Options.
    • On the main menu, select Options > Project. In the Project Options dialog, select General > Validation.
  2. Specify the options you need in the Validation area. How to use the Project Options dialog >>
  3. Click OK.

Validate Only Locally Changed ElementsTrue or FalseWhen set to true, pre-commit validation will only run on the elements that are locally modified or added by the user.

Exclude Elements from Used Read-Only Project

True or FalseWhen set to true, it will exclude projects that are used in read-only mode and elements that exist in these projects.
Validation SuitesValidation suitesSpecify a validation suites list that must be run before committing changes to a server.

Excluded scope

Excluded scopeSpecify the validation scope to be excluded from the rules that belong to pre-commit validation suites. Elements in the selected scope will not be validated before committing changes to a server.

Minimal Severity That Prohibits Commit

  • None
  •  - debug.
  • - info.
  •  - warning.
  • - error.
  •  - fatal.

Specify the minimal severity violation severity threshold that prohibits commit. Pre-commit validation will be performed before executing commit to a server. It will validate the model and check if there are validation results with reached or exceeded selected severity levels. Commit will be prohibited until these violations are fixed.

Minimal Severity That Produces Warning

  • None
  •  - debug.
  • - info.
  •  - warning.
  • - error.
  •  - fatal.
Specify the minimal severity threshold that produces a warning. Pre-commit validation will be performed before executing commit to a server. It will validate the model and check if there are validation results with reached or exceeded selected severity level. If these violations are found, a warning dialog will appear, allowing you either to review warnings or to execute project commit.

Warning and error dialogs

  • If a warning appears, you are allowed to choose whether to review violations or to continue to commit. If you choose to review violations, the pre-commit validation results panel will be open; otherwise, your project will be committed without showing violations.   

  • If there is an error, you are not allowed to choose. You will get a list of the validation results. 

When the pre-commit validation is supposed to show a warning and an error at the same time, the tool will only show an error due to its behavior being more restricted.

Pre-commit Validation Results panel

The Pre-commit Validation Results panel opens after you either get an error message or you select to review violations in the warning message.   

It is impossible to ignore Pre-Commit Validation results.


The toolbar allows you to manage the validation results. All buttons are described in the following table

Button iconButton nameDescription

Expand All

Expand AllClick to recursively expand all the elements in the validation results area.

Collapse All

Collapse AllClick to recursively collapse all the elements in the validation results area.

Navigate to Validated Object (Alt+B)

Click the button to select the element in the Containment tree.

Click the arrow next to the button to open the menu of the following navigation commands:

  • Open Specification - opens the Specification window of the selected element in the validation results area.
  • Go To - opens a submenu whose commands allow you to track and navigate to the elements.
  • Select Rule in The Containment Tree - selects the failed validation rule in the Containment tree of the selected element in the validation results area.
  • Add to Search Results - selects an element in the Search Results tree.



Click to open the list of available commands to solve a selected element violation in the validation results area.

Display the full path of the elements

Display the full path of the elements

Click to show the full path of all elements in the validation results area.

Run validation with current settings

Run validation with current settings

Click to run the validation with the current settings.

Run validation with new settings

Validation Options

Click to open the Project Options dialog with the Validation node open.



Click to export the list of validation results either to an .html or .csv file.

Validation results area

The validation results area provides a list of violated elements. This area contains the following columns:

  • Element - elements that violate the validation rule.
  • Severity - severity level of the validation rule.
  • Abbreviation - a short word, phrase, or acronym of the validation rule used for sorting/filtering.
  • Message - description of the invalid situation when a validation rule fails.


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