Accept and reject changes using the toolbar that is located above the Merged Result tree or using the shortcut menu.

Before starting to accept and reject changes, specify from what contributor changes will be accepted and rejected. Use the Accepting/Rejecting Scope drop-down list for this.
The toolbar buttons are described in the following table.


ButtonTooltip textDescription

Accept the selected change, its property changes, and all sub-element changesClick to accept all changes from both contributors starting from the selected element. For example, if the root package Model selected, then all changes for the whole project will be accepted.

Accept the selected change its property changeClick to accept the selected element change together with the element property changes.

Accept the selected changeClick to accept the selected element change.


ButtonTooltip textDescription

Reject the selected change, its property changes, and all sub-element changesClick to reject all changes from both contributors starting from the selected element. For example, if the root package Model is selected, then all changes for the whole project will be rejected.

Reject the selected change its property changeClick to reject the selected element change together with the element property changes.

Reject the selected changeClick to reject the selected element change.

The following table lists the commands of the shortcut menu that can be opened, when an element is selected in the Merged Result tree.




Click to accept the selected change. If the change has equivalent changes, they are accepted too.


Click to reject the selected change. If the change has equivalent changes, they are rejected too.

Accept With Properties

Click to accept the selected change and its property changes.

Reject With Properties

Click to reject the selecting change and its property changes.

Accept Recursively

Click to accept the selected change, its property changes, and all owned element changes.

Reject Recursively

Click to reject the selected change, its property changes, and all owned element changes.

Mark as Resolved

Click to mark the change as resolved by the user, but not by the system. The conflicting change becomes marked as resolved by the user too.

Select Original Location(s)

If the selected instance of a moved element is in the new location, the Select Original Location(s) command appears on the shortcut menu. Click it to navigate to and select the original location(s) of the moved element in the Merged Result tree.

Select New Location(s)If the selected instance of a moved element is in its original location, the Select New Location(s) command appears on the shortcut menu. Click it to navigate to and select a new location(s) of the moved element in the Merged Result tree.